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fate of dimafleck's enemies.

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As my little drama passed and things got back to boring around here I couldn't help but reflect on what the state of my enemies really is. I mean who is the next torch bearer for the douches that hate on my ways? There is no one out there that has the same clout that NewRider and Cully had in their time, even NewRider isn't NewRider anymore- I think you know what I mean. Like what are the options- YATS?, Basher? and Zero? We've still got Booche who likely has the highest profile although he is heading decidedly stalker and likely homosexual . Calamityjane flew the dima hating coop. :Largemarge doesn't really identify with the dima hating scene although she did threaten me one time. Certainly the GTA is the hub of Dima hating activity but with recent developments it's not clear that will continue to be the case.

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Could it be because I'm such a selfrighteous douchebag?

I'll tell you what your problem is Dingleberry. You dont get it. I, stupidly, loved you for too long. Obviously I am angry with myself. We should have broke up months ago.

Maybe the following will help you understand......

There is never any end. There are always new sounds to imagine; new feelings to get at. And always, there is the need to keep purifying these feelings and sounds so that we can really see what we've discovered in its pure state. So that we can see more and more clearly what we are. In that way, we can give to those who listen the essence, the best of what we are. But to do that at each stage, we have to keep on cleaning the mirror.
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Maybe there just comes a point where hating on your rediculously generic. self-righteous ways becomes too time consuming. I'd really like to think I still have it in me to be here, there and everywhere, calling you out on your douchebag comments and indulgent nonsense, but, you're right, the torch should be passed. Hating you is kind of like a one hit wonder fad.

But what do I know, last I counted you beat me in some weak cyber-election.

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