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╘��╣ Caution Jam @ Healey's - 10/08 ╠��╕


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I wish you could be there too my friend! There's nobody that shakes up the dance floor like you can and I love a dance party!

Thanks my friend, for putting a smile on my face this morning! I'll actually be spending some special time with somebody who also knows how to shake it on the dance floor. And she's better looking than I am as well! ;):) She doesn't visit this board or attend many shows, but she's got huge amounts of great energy and certainly knows how to dance. We'll be celebratin' 20 years ... and it's been even longer since I first saw her dance and fell in love ... ok, I was a teenage boy then so maybe fell in lust is more accurate. Now it's all about the love! :);):)

Sorry for the thread hijack ... this show will rock I'm sure!

Peace, Mark

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I'll actually be spending some special time with somebody who also knows how to shake it on the dance floor. And she's better looking than I am as well! ;):) She doesn't visit this board or attend many shows, but she's got huge amounts of great energy and certainly knows how to dance. We'll be celebratin' 20 years ... and it's been even longer since I first saw her dance and fell in love ... ok, I was a teenage boy then so maybe fell in lust is more accurate. Now it's all about the love! :);):)

[color:red]I am so happy for you and your beautiful wife Lianna my friend! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful anniversary and you'd both better expect extra-long and extra-tight hugs the next time I see you!!!

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At the risk of adding to hijack, WOW, Mark and Liana!! Damn, time sure does roll ahead! I'm very, very happy for you both - it's a pretty special thing you've got, and something you've both clearly thrown yourselves into for a long, long time. Yours is a relationship that will always bring a smile to my face - big hugs to the two of you :) .

May this CJ show be full of happy love vibes!

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Sara and I are in and I'm sure I can drag the doctor along too. The lost puppy is returning from N.B. this Sunday and heading off to Whistler next week, so all that know and love the doc should come to the CJam show and do it up "going away style" (again, the guy can't stay still).

I'm partying all weekend, so I'll be already well under way, but is there a pre-party planned? I'm sure I could fire up the bbq if needed.

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if anyone wants to chill this aft and drink some beers, i have beer n ap at my house, i live a bit out of the way of the bar, but i'm driving down there for show.

i live in thornhill, at the dvp and steeles, if anyone wants to come by pin me or call my cell 416 455 0920. will i'm expecting you to be here for a drink if you come to the city. ( you dont really HAVE too)

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