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Run for the hills! Elton John to make rap album

Davey Boy 2.0

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Too bad :( Elton was an amazing performer. I saw him at the CNE back in the mid 80s and he put on a helluva show. Still, nothing like his early 70s stuff. I love Tumbleweed Connection.

Great sbd Fillmore show out there too:

Recorded Live at Fillmore West, San Francisco 13 November, 1970

* I Need You To Turn To

* Your Song

* Bad Side Of The Moon

* Country Comfort

* Sixty Years On

* Can I Put You On

* Border Song

* Honky Tonk Women

* Take Me To The Pilot

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I got this Elton John Show from Oink and it is amazing. And I am not a huge fan. I guess having John Lennon at the show doesn't hurt.


Elton John 74-11-28

Madison Square Garden

Source: Boot CD>CDR

1) Funeral for a Friend/

Love lies Bleeding

2) Rocket Man

3) Take Me to the Pilot

4) Bennie and the Jets

5) Grey Seal

6) Daniel

7) You're so Static

8) Whatever Gets You Through the Night*

9) Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds*

10) I Saw Her Standing There*

11) Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me

12) Your Song

13) The Bitch is Back

* w/ John Lennon

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I love Tumbleweed Connection.

Yes! That album gets regular rotation for me, as does Dont Shoot Me Im Only the Piano Player. Two of my favourites.

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was the first album I ever owned - and it resulted in me getting my own record player, because "children dont use the stereo". Was a Double Gatefold. They sure dont make stuff like that nowadays ... what with all these new fangled gizmo's and jammy jamm woohahs.

Say what ya want about Elton and his various moments of drug-induced mediocrity, but one cannot deny that the man is a musical genius.

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It's true - I've got this weird emotional resonance with Elton John, having been weaned into the musical world with his music (product of the 70s that I am), and many of his tunes are brilliant and full of all sorts of intensity that can be brought out to full effect in performance. Think of what could be done with a tune like "Benny and the Jets," e.g.

But then there's the schmaltz factor, and that's just really, really hard to get past - the appeal to the Lowest Common (Cultural) Denominator, that I find a bit unforgiveable - too calculated, and, correspondingly, too manipulative.

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But then there's the schmaltz factor, and that's just really, really hard to get past - the appeal to the Lowest Common (Cultural) Denominator, that I find a bit unforgiveable - too calculated, and, correspondingly, too manipulative.

No doubt, Elton is one of those few artists that has literally produced some of the very best and some of the very worst music in modern times. His early stuff like GYBR, Madman and Captain Fantastic is nothing short of brilliant, and even his 90's Disney work is incredibly well crafted music for the suburban masses. But some of his 80's works like Leather Jackets and Victim of Love are horrible. Its been said that as goes his life, so goes his music. And the man has quite the adventerous ride, from being the very first superstar to officially come out of the closet (as bisexual) after a miserable pretend marriage, to stints in rehab, to countless #1 hits, Acadamy Awards and Grammy's, to human right activist. Personally, I have a lot of respect for the man.

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He once had naked men parachute into a garden party he held.

Another time he invited all his closest friend and his entire family - including his beloved granny, flown with other family over from England - to his LA estate to celebrate his star on the walk of fame. He spent most of the party alone in his room snorting coke, popping pills and drinking vodka. His entrance to his own party was to hurl himself into the pool, screaming that he wanted to die.


And yes, his string of albums from about 1970 to 1974 was remarkable. I bet he's still great in concert!

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He once had naked men parachute into a garden party he held.

Now that's class!!

I was just listening to Elton the other day... he's still got my respect...

Nonetheless, I think I will pass on purchasing his um... "rap" album (although I'm sure that his take on life in the hood would be very enlightening)

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