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Rediscoverd Greats


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I've just started re-listening to an old favorite of mine, The Rolling Stones, Exile on Main Street. What a good CD. Rolling Stones fans of the time must have been really shocked when this one came out. Probably the last time the Stones really shocked anybody, musically at least. The record seems to read like an anthology of the Stones, summerizing up the 60's and showing us what is in store for the Stones. I love it. Too bad they started to suck after it.

Anyone have any other records from the past you've recently rediscovered?

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I've just started re-listening to an old favorite of mine, The Rolling Stones, Exile on Main Street. What a good CD..........Too bad they started to suck after it.

Good call on Exile. Great album! Although they probably never reached this level in the studio again, I wouldn't exactly consider Goats Head Soup, It's Only Rock 'n Roll or Some Girls to be write-offs.

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Goats Head Soup is highly underrated, I think. It was just ones step down from the amazing four record run that preceded it, but should not be discounted.

And of course a few years later came "Some Girls", easily one of their finest records. IMO, they didn't really start to suck until the mid 1980's.

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Goats Head Soup is highly underrated, I think. It was just ones step down from the amazing four record run that preceded it, but should not be discounted.

And of course a few years later came "Some Girls", easily one of their finest records. IMO, they didn't really start to suck until the mid 1980's.

Couldn't have said it better myself!

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I slap on some Grateful Dead from time to time just to remind me how great they were. I dig out and crank one of the best albums of the 60's every month or so: Roger The Engineer by The Yardbirds. Jeff Beck was in great form and Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones smoked on Happenings Ten Years Ago.

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And of course a few years later came "Some Girls", easily one of their finest records. IMO, they didn't really start to suck until the mid 1980's.

Meant to add that I quite agree with Marco re: the Stones' music post Exile. I must confess, however, that, for me, nothing after Some Girls (1978) ever really came close to their best.

Q. Do you think the music of the Rolling Stones has an overall theme?

A. Yeah. Women.

- Keith Richards

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I wouldn't exactly consider Goats Head Soup, It's Only Rock 'n Roll or Some Girls to be write-offs.

You're right. Goat's Head soup is pretty good. Some of their biggest songs ever were on that one (Angie and Heartbreaker), and the groupie anthemn, Starfucker. There definaltely are some weak tunes on this one also IMO.

Some Girls, I like it, but I get bored of it pretty easily. Shattered?? WTF were they thinking there? Obviously about the cash. They should have just stuck to the Rock and left the Disco to the Bee-Gee's. Mick went to the London School of Economics though and certainly knows about money. He couldn't let the Gibb brothers alone get all that cash, he needed some of it too.

It was just ones step down from the amazing four record run that preceded it

Man, I've spent a lot of time in my life listening to Let it Bleed and Sticky Fingers. A lot of time.

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This album is fackin' great and underrated. Pearl Jam is the Rolling Stones of the Gen X Generation, IMO, and in 25 years they're going to be just as important as the Stones, but in a Pearl Jam way. Fuck, they've already crossed: Write Album with Neil Young; off their list.


one, two, three, four, five against one

Five, five...five, five...five against one.

Torture from you to me

Abducted from the street...

I'd rather be...

I'd rather be with...

I'd rather be with an animal.

Why would you wanna hurt me? Oh..

Oh, so frightened of your pain...

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