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How did Baron Cohen accept?


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I despise awards shows (unless you've got a pool/betting going on). They are so friggin' boring. The one good thing about the Golden Globes is that these chumps are sitting there bored too, but they have drinks as well. Usually makes for some interesting "speeches" . I skipped through it really quickly after PVR'ing it.

Cohen's acceptance speech was funny. Never heard one like that before. You could hear that some in the crowd were shocked ... GOOD! Then lots of them busted out laughing and loosened up.

Robert Redford babbled on and on like he had hit the sauce pretty good. Hugh Laurie, who plays the lead on "House," had a really entertaining acceptance too.

Being that it's the "Hollywood Foreign Press" voting on these, there seemed to be a high percentage of non-American actors winning :) Don't know if that is coincidence or not.

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Yup, that's when my PVR recording ended... Man did that show run long. I don't know how people can sit through it live (unless you're drinking HEAVILY).

Forrest has been around a while now too. Good to see him getting the recognition. Did you know he was in Fast Times at Ridgemount High????? Gotta watch that one again and see if i can spot him.


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Did you know he was in Fast Times at Ridgemount High????? Gotta watch that one again and see if i can spot him.

Yeah he played the big football star with the fancy car that gets wrecked. (I just watched the movie two days ago) It's crazy to see how far actors like Forrest and Sean Penn have come since that movie.

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I think sean penn hit his peak with Fast Times. What'd he do afterward that was worth anything?

answer: nuthin

Really? I know that some don't like him as an actor (or for his actions outside of Hollywood), but I've really enjoyed his acting in a number of movies other than FTARH

Mystic River, The Thin Red Line, Sweet and Lowdown, Deadman Walking, Carlito's Way (afro and all) ... OK it's not a TON of movies, but some pretty good ones and not all the same character.


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Did you know he was in Fast Times at Ridgemount High????? Gotta watch that one again and see if i can spot him.

Yeah he played the big football star with the fancy car that gets wrecked. (I just watched the movie two days ago) It's crazy to see how far actors like Forrest and Sean Penn have come since that movie.

Not to mention Nick Cage, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Eric Stoltz, Ray Walston (although he was already famous), Vincent Schiavelli and Anthony Edwards.

Too bad for the latter-day careers of Judge Reinholt, Phoebe Cates, Robert Romanus and Brian Backner, the last two being the stars of the movie.

Best high school movie ever.

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