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A question about wearing contact lenses...


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So I've only been wearing contacts for about two weeks but something happened tonight that totally freaked me out.

I put my contacts in this afternoon, then suddenly this evening I realise that one isn't in. I vaguely recall rubbing my eyes. But it was the slight fogginess, misbalance that made me check and yup... its gone!

A friend mentioned that contacts can slip behind the eyeball. If that happened would I be able to feel it? Is it possible it just fell out when I rubbed my eyes?

I'm really hoping this has happened to someone before. I'm scared of damaging my eye.

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It either fell out or unfortunately, got lodged behind your eye. You'd notice something if the lense got stuck behind your eye - it wouldn't feel right. Question: Were your eyes dry - meaning, is your other eye dry with the contract in. If it is, the other one could have easily fallen out or got stuck. I've been wearing contacts for over 20 years and have had my share of mishaps including the "behind the eye" problem.

No, as far as I know, it won't cause any damage if it's stuck. It should work it's way out, but you may want to gently rub your eye and put solution in it too - it may help.

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Thanks for responding guys. Thats reassuring.

So if its stuck, it will work itself out. No need to go to the eye guy?

My eyes are most often dry since I started wearing them, I was hoping they'd adapt. But maybe thats why it fell out easily, if it did.

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Hey Lara, you may have naturally dry eyes. My mother and I suffer from this. As I mentioned, I do wear contacts and find lubricant drops a must. If you get lubricant drops, make sure they are for contact lenses. I'd ask your optometrist and/or ophthalmologist for the best kinds. Cheap drops can ruin your contacts.

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I find disposable lenses more prone to sticking.

You mean the daily kind? They stay in your eye better?

Sorry about the grossness guys, but this is nothing...My younger sister was born without a tearduct. She had a pyrex glass tearduct put into her eye when she was a toddler. She can suck air in and out of it. Now thats gross!

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Personally, I've never had the "behind the eye" routine in about eight years of wearing contacts (knock on wood). I have frequently had it happen, however, that one will fall out when I rub or scratch my eyes. It only happened once or twice without my noticing, as I now know to be careful when rubbing my eyes while wearing my lenses.

I also noticed that one was missing halfway through breakfast, only to return home to realize that it had fallen out as I was trying to put it in. Way to be on the ball, Hart.

Hope it works out for you, kitkat - nothing to get to freaked about, though.


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I find disposable lenses more prone to sticking.

You mean the daily kind? They stay in your eye better?

Yes, and they tend to crumple up easily and thus can get lodged behind the eye more so than permanent lenses. Permanent lenses are thicker and stay in place better. Of course, permanent lenses are more expensive and have to be cleaned regularly and if you lose or tear one...

I recently switched to two-week disposables. I like them since they breathe better than permanents, but they are flimsy and fall out easier - plus I can't see as well. Permanents compete well with glasses vision-wise. Many disposables just aren't as good vision-wise.

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i don't know if it's sucking air in and out, but if i rub my eye a certain way i can make my tear duct "fart"...i can also rub my eye around so that my eye ball points in a completely different way than my other eye and when i open the twisted eye i can watch it twist around the right way with my other eye in the mirror and when it gets back right suddenly i can see with 2 eyes again.

my eyes itch more often than normal i guess and i'm a master eye rubber. i can even feel when i have a loose eye lash and pull it out before it falls out on it's own and potentially into my eye.

maybe this should be in that useless fact thread.

edit to add: i'm really glad this thread is here. after going my whole life without glasses, i'm now pretty sure i need them. i was going to get glasses and contacts, but i think i'm just going to get glasses now.

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I haven't worn contacts in a couple years, but I wore them for probably 4 or 5 years straight at one point. One day when I was putting them in, I was sure I had gotten my left one in but I couldn't see properly and couldn't see it on the counter anywhere. I searched and searched and couldn't find the bugger so I cracked a new one and put it in. It never worked its way out, so I suppose there's the possibility that I still have a contact lens lodged behind my left eye. No problems yet, so I figure you're in the clear!

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Holy crap, kitkat, I hope this sorts itself out soon.

I'd given up on contact years back after having overworn them for too long, but got back into using them again a year and a half ago. I've only ever been able to wear hard/gas-permeable, as I have astygmatism (which my overuse corrected not a little bit, ironically), but even today they still wig me out a bit, and sometimes it's only the prospect of being able to walk into a building in hard winter without being blinded by fog for five minutes that keeps me using them.

Sorry - fingers got carried away there for a minute. Anyway, I may know nothing whatsoever about soft lenses besides what friends and spouse tell me, but in my experience, swirling the eyes evenly in big circles, patiently (loaded word), has been usually enough to bring the sucker back into range. I expect you've tried something like that; if not, and if nothing happens, maybe it's just best to rely on that capacity of the human body to find a non-conscious way of getting rid of alien stuff within it, and maybe you'll find a lens on the pillow in the morning.

Please do tell how it works out!

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one day, about six years ago, i learned the unpleasant way [is there a pleasant way?] that i am pretty strongly allergic to wasp stings [yellowjackets]. luckily i got to the hospital and got stuck with a few needles, and everything worked out just fine.

needless to say it was kind of a rough day [granted, coulda been a lot worse].

when i got home that evening, pretty exhausted, my mom and i sat down for a bite to eat. i ate my food, drank my water, and when i got to the bottom of my glass... there were two contact lenses in the bottom! uuuuuugh. my sister had taken them out and put them in the glass, and somehow that became my water glass. a fitting end to that day, i suppose. :P

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one day, about six years ago, i learned the unpleasant way [is there a pleasant way?] that i am pretty strongly allergic to wasp stings [yellowjackets]. luckily i got to the hospital and got stuck with a few needles, and everything worked out just fine.

needless to say it was kind of a rough day [granted, coulda been a lot worse].

when i got home that evening, pretty exhausted, my mom and i sat down for a bite to eat. i ate my food, drank my water, and when i got to the bottom of my glass... there were two contact lenses in the bottom! uuuuuugh. my sister had taken them out and put them in the glass, and somehow that became my water glass. a fitting end to that day, i suppose. :P

That had me laughing out loud :) "Sorry sis, I think I drank your contacts..."

As for me. Well, nothing happened. Sooo... Maybe she's stuck, maybe she's gone. Who knows? Oh well.

Guess I better go buy some glasses.

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