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Things people do that piss you off

Davey Boy 2.0

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I hate it when people complain about small meaningless shit that honestly can't be that bad that it affects their daily life THAT much.

The way I see it, in our society all people do is complain about shit. They're job, the car, they're kids, they're money, the way they look. A huge amount of people in North American don't know how to just suck it up and be glad you even have a job, a house, food on your plate, and don't have to the fear that you may get bombed and lose everything you have. There are a lot of god damn people in this world who would kill to know that they don't have to worry about whether or not them and their family is going to eat, live, or die tonight.

Sure they're are lots of people here who do appreciate and have the hearts to give, which honestly gives me hope from day to day. There are also people here who are striving, because they may not eat tonight. But the majority of us at least have the opportunity to better ourselves.

Also being a women, I'm fucking glad of the freedoms I have. I can't even imagine not being able to have freedom of speech, or not being able to leave the house, or even look at another man with the fear my husband will beat me. Violence against women is horrid and I'm so grateful I don't have to live in those sorts of situations.

I hate people who start violence and promote it.

I hate it when people don't know how to be grateful.

That's my rant....

I love you all. I'm so happy and fortunate to live the life I do.



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Remember the Simpsons episode where Bart goes to Australia? I'm pretty sure all you wooks would destroy the country.

Homer: When will you Australians learn? In America, we stopped using corporal punishment, and things have never been better. The streets are safe. Old people strut confidently in the darkest alleys. And the weak and nerdy are admired for their computer-programming abilities. So, like us, let your children run wild and free! Because, as the old saying goes, "let your children run wild and free".

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ha...i remember in school we were taught these word "upgrades"...better versions of simpler words to use to sound smarter...and use > utilize was one of them.

I HATE when people make plans and don't cancel at all, or cancel at the last possible minute, or after the last possible minute to make other plans.

i also HATE pencilled in plans. you walk around all week thinking your friday night is taken when really it's been pencilled in and then the pencil gets erased. so then you take it upon yourself to make pen plans over your pencil plans considering the track record and then your pencil plans turn into pen plans and you're fing stuck, looking like a douche with a double booking.

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i know the your, you're deal.

sometimes, i use things like yer to reflect inflection, and how i would actually be saying it in the moment. i wouldn't have said it "you're so funny" i would have said "yer soooooooo funny"

sometimes, these things are intentional. to really throw a curve ball, sometimes, on the internet i want to sound like i have a spanish accent, and i actually write joo intead of you.

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In Korea, the concepts of "waiting" and "standing in line" are unheard of. This angers me. I think these issues will one day cause me to be arrested.

The other day, I was standing in a line at the coffee shop; there were two women in fron of me, and one more behind me. So this older dude (probably around 55 or so) walks right up to the counter and orders a coffee for himself. And what does the counter staff do? Tell him that there are four other people standing in line, and that he'll have to wait? No, they SERVE HIM!! This happens ALL THE TIME in any imaginable location - coffee shops, subways, restaurants, public washrooms - basically anyplace where you might possibly have to stand in line. And although the culprits are usually older men, they aren't exclusively so. It could be anyone. And while I understand the whole concept of elder respect over here, this guy wasn't an old man by any stretch of the imagination.

Just as bad is the subway. While most people will stand nicely in two different lines on either side of the door and wait for everyone else to exit before they attempt to enter the subway car, there will always be a few people who will ignore the lines and then stand right in the middle of the doorway and try to push their way on to the subway before anyone else has had the opportunity to get off. This drives me crazy. Not only are they too rude to wait in the line with everyone else, they're too rude to wait for you to get off - which of course, would only make it easier for them to get on! At 6'3" and 190 lbs, in Korea I'm considered a giant. So I make myself as big as possible, fold my arms across my chest and literally bulldoze these assholes all the way back - my record so far is pushing three people (at once) back about ten feet - by which point it was almost impossible for them to get back onto the train before the doors closed. Assclowns.

Not wishing to perpetuate a sterotype but like most stereotypes - good and bad - there is usually a bit of truth to them. A similar thing happened to me last week at the Asian food mart on Locke St, while I was waiting my turn to buy some fish. Woman just literally steps between me and the counter - the whole 5 inches of space there - and starts ordering. I don't think I'll ever get used to that. The customers of that store will literally just walk right into you if you don't get out of the way, will jab you in the back of the knees with their shopping cart (in a store with ther tightest aisles in the world). I know it's different customs but I still find it rude. Wait your turn, like everyone else.

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or stores that have 20 (literally) checkouts and there are 3 open with 10 people waiting in each, and about 40 employees running around the store doing jack all. and it takes you 5 times as long to pay for what you're buying than it did to park, walk in, walk through the huge place find what you want and make it to a check out.

i hate the walmart experience.

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and why do people bring their entire ugly brood of stupid children with them to the grocery store on a busy Saturday afternoon? Sorry if I just knocked into your precious miracle with my buggy and now she's having a crying fit but maybe you should keep an eye on your kids? At least the crying is stopping them from running laps in a crowded supermarket.

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Im not offended by your remark, cuz I used to feel the same way. But just wait till you have kids, bro.

When my little guy acts up at the supermarket my wife will distance her self from us, like she doesnt know us, and then say to me in a really disgusted tone, "Control yer kid." Its things like this that get us through the experience.

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I hate it when people complain about small meaningless shit that honestly can't be that bad that it affects their daily life THAT much.

The way I see it, in our society all people do is complain about shit. They're job, the car, they're kids, they're money, the way they look. A huge amount of people in North American don't know how to just suck it up and be glad you even have a job, a house, food on your plate, and don't have to the fear that you may get bombed and lose everything you have. There are a lot of god damn people in this world who would kill to know that they don't have to worry about whether or not them and their family is going to eat, live, or die tonight.

Sure they're are lots of people here who do appreciate and have the hearts to give, which honestly gives me hope from day to day. There are also people here who are striving, because they may not eat tonight. But the majority of us at least have the opportunity to better ourselves.

Also being a women, I'm fucking glad of the freedoms I have. I can't even imagine not being able to have freedom of speech, or not being able to leave the house, or even look at another man with the fear my husband will beat me. Violence against women is horrid and I'm so grateful I don't have to live in those sorts of situations.

I hate people who start violence and promote it.

I hate it when people don't know how to be grateful.

That's my rant....

I love you all. I'm so happy and fortunate to live the life I do.



that is the most contrived thing i've ever read on here. congrats.

EVERYONE: you live in north america, so YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE UNHAPPY!!! EVER. NO MATTER WHAT. NO COMPLAINING! you should be in a permenant state of happyness mixed with awful guilt that you have so much better than everyone else.

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that is the most contrived thing i've ever read on here. congrats.

EVERYONE: you live in north america, so YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BE UNHAPPY!!! EVER. NO MATTER WHAT. NO COMPLAINING! you should be in a permenant state of happyness mixed with awful guilt that you have so much better than everyone else.

I'm not saying no one should ever complain, I'm just saying, sometmies people need to learn how to be grateful. Heck I complain all the time, but I'm not going to become depressed over things that aren't majorly life altering.

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When people do that to me, if they are obviously being rude by walking on the wrong side or just appear arrogant, I walk right into them; hard, without slowing down. (I also walk very fast.)

ha ha so do i

and have the dark sun glasses on and look at them in the face ,don't say a word and don;t move either

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