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Food Network Addicts... how bad is "just one bite"

dimafleck: the living legend.

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Bourdain, as usual, is bang on. I was a Food TV addict for some time but they removed most of the real chefs who just happened to take on a TV show, and replaced them with TV personalities who just happened to take on a food show. They REALLY dumbed down their content and turned it more into a "lifestyle" channel than a food network.

I haven't seen the show Dimafuck mentioned but I guess I'm missing nothing.

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Just One Bite is horrid. I watched about 10 minutes of it once. Never again.

What are your favorite FoodTV shows anyway?

Mine are:

Iron Chef

Chef at Home and Large

Good Eats

Restaraunt Makeover

and I really like the food Ricardo makes. He's a bit of a flake though.

Wow, my list 4 years ago was way longer, that network HAS gone to hell.

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If you like "Good Eats," Alton Brown has another one now: in "Feasting On Asphalt," he and a crew are riding back roads (not interstates) on motorcycles in search of the best "road food" (diners, local establishments, anything but chains, pretty much). It's as much about being on the road as it is about food.



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oh the golden days of food tv!

I grew up watching The Urban Peasant and the Frugal Gourmet. Low on the nonsense scale, just a person DEMONSTRATING cooking for 30 minutes or an hour. You learned a lot and got to see what they were doing sans fuss.

Wok With Yan? I loved that dude.

Then later there were some great shows: A Cook's Tour, The Naked Chef, Molto Mario, The Surreal Gourmet, all just full of great ideas, entertaining, very little of the total dumbing down we see today.

Currently, I just think Food shows are in state of the shits. OK, Iron Chef America is fun. Good Eats is great (as is Feasting On Asphalt). I kinda dig The Barefoot Contessa and that Italian cooking show with the lady with those tremendous, plump, perky, alabaster breasts can be good sometimes, she's a good cook.

But Easy Entertaining, Ricardo, Just One Bite, Sugar..... all unwatchable as far as I'm concerned. Especially Ricardo. What a gimp.

Hell, I even miss Emeril these days.

I think the most regrettable change in their focus was moving away from shows about COOKING and into cheaper productions concerning the food business, and the lifestyle aspects of food. So now it's Restaurant Makeover and I Do Let's Eat. No big names to pay syndication fees to, apart from bringing the requisite camera crew and hiring an eager beaver straight outta of a talent agency to host it, the costs are low and the profits higher I guess.

I even miss those two ambigously gay Australian surfer dudes.

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oh the golden days of food tv!

I grew up watching The Urban Peasant and the Frugal Gourmet. Low on the nonsense scale, just a person DEMONSTRATING cooking for 30 minutes or an hour. You learned a lot and got to see what they were doing sans fuss.

Got ya beat: I used to watch "The Fry Pan Man" out of Hamilton back in the 1980s, long before James Barber went urbanely peasantish. Back then, his kitchen consisted of a table with a two-burner Coleman stove, a cast iron fry pan, occasionally a sauce pan, and a plastic garbage can with a pitcher of water instead of a sink. This is the show that taught me that "chicken veronique" is just a fancy name for "chicken with grapes." :)



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I grew up with Wok With Yan (Stephen Yan) for sure. However, for some reason Yan Can Cook (Martin Yan) seems to be the only Yan I can find on Youtube.

Remember the funny aprons he had on every show?

some that I may or may not remember:

"Wok don't Run"

"Wok around the Clock"

"Wok's up Doc?"

just found a list of aprons!

"Luke Skywokker" !!! hahahaha

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