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Ah, yes. A lovely topic indeed. But one that appears to be becoming an annual one around this household.

Two years ago it was fruit flies, last year it was black flies, and this year's flavour appears to be moths.

Moths everywhere!! Damn, those little bastards multiply quickly.

It started off with a couple in our bathroom. Then one night Todd and I found a bunch in our spare bedroom. Somehow this lead to him prying off our floorboards, and tadaaa, cocoons everywhere... There's something a little creepy about cocoons. And if you burst them prematurely, out pops an angry little larvae.

One of the many joys of living in the country I suppose.

Our infestations always seem to occur just when the weather is starting to warm up. Luckily they have all been relatively short-lived and we have not had to resort to any extreme measures beyond attacking them fiercely at night... armed with a butter knife (for the floorboards), a vaccuum cleaner, and a fly swatter.

Has anyone else had such a privilege?

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Bianca and I have been battling these tiny little ants for a week or so now. It is our first spring in this location, and thus our first encounter with the little rascals.

At first they really had the upper hand, I tried everything from reasoning with them to trying to pay them off. I even had a going away party for them...but they wouldn't leave.

I finally think I've got the best of them however, found some environmentally friendly powder that seems to have worked.

Investations are good times for sure.


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We haven't had problems with moths but had a major fly problem in our house. Mud went out and bought these sticky strips that hang from the ceiling or window etc. so that once they landed on it they couldn't fly off anymore. It worked - no more flies.

Eventually all the flies got stuck = couldn't breed anymore = happy house

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