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Grey skies....


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Alright people,

I know it has not been the best week for everyone. Some lost women, some broken up bands, and some open agression and hostility which was not the nicest thing I have ever seen. Myself, I had all my phish shows removed from my car because my not so swift friend left it unlocked when I was at a show. 150 cd's, 6 years of slow collectin': Gone. I have no burner and am leaving in two weeks for an eight month trip. But I'll be fine. Jared's bro offered to burn a bunch for me and I could use a break from Phish anyhows (I hear there are some other bands out there -- anything is possible). So here is my disclaimer:

Whatever shit has happened at the close of this summer is just that: shit. This weekend there are three kickass festivals which most of us will be at and I think we should all be looking ahead to a nice long weekend, some great music and some great friends. After that, we are all back in the grind for another long-haul winter (well ... not me. .. but) and it will be a long while before we get to share in this kind of vibe again. And to top it all off, cyberhippie started work today. Yay him.

So let's get out of the funk and into the groove, don't know about you but I'm in the mood. (apparently for cheesy rhymes)

Love you all, TR

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Originally posted by mister slippery:

on my way to a perfect game last night.

final frame, fell over.

gutter ball.


[big Grin]

I believe we are talking about two completely different things.....I'm speaking of crowd bowling.

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Originally posted by jared:

yay tony i have an old disc man for you,, its cool i think i stole it so its all yourse its the carma circle thing

Note to self

Keep belongings locked up in car at CTMF.


(left behind for all you eavesdroppers)

Eavesdropping on/in a public forum? [Confused]

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Originally posted by Esau13:


Originally posted by jared:

yay tony i have an old disc man for you,, its cool i think i stole it so its all yourse its the carma circle thing

Note to self

Keep belongings locked up in car at CTMF.

Jared has grown up a lot the past few years, you have nothing to worry about, unless you leave somthing behind, in which case, you will never get it back HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAH!



(left behind for all you eavesdroppers)

Eavesdropping on/in a public forum? [Confused]

Ummm...thanks for the tip. I though I was on the phone.
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no u gave me sars,, i didn't mean stole as in took from somebody, i ment as in found it on the subway and didn't turn it in,,, but.. if i'd probably steal stuff the real way to if i was bored enough,,,or saw something cool enough, most vcrimes are those of oppertunity,

and i never ever ever leave my van unlocked at ctmf

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yay tony i have an old disc man for you,, its cool i think i stole it so its all yourse its the carma circle thing,, ps my van is fucked so my weekend was ruined too, no bob dylan for me and now i have to pay to get it fixed [Frown] looks like i'll be tenting for the first time in 2 years

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What about your trailer? Maybe we can attach it to my Rav4.

And how was your weekend fucked? You hung out with me, we got wasted on other people's booze at the beach (left behind for all you eavesdroppers) and you won big at Rama. And then we See-dood are cares away. You are blessed my friend.

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