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The Price Is Right


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Thanks for keeping me entertained all those sick days when I was but a wee one Bob!!! Keep it real yo.

is what I was just thinking... gotta be my longest running "still on television" connection... kinda almost got choked up there for a sec

then that big guy got called and charged down through the crowd and just about knocked the first guy he high fived head over heels... lol

I wonder how this'll affect things in Iraq?

(thanks for the heads up Booche, lunch can wait... all the best Bob)

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I think you can tell the type of person that I am simply because my heart is filled with joy when putzes lose like that. The failure music is the best!

Yeah, I love watching people fail too. Do you ever watch Deal No Deal? It is a stupid show but people make really bad decisions and can lose $500,000 in 10 minutes. Good stuff.

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I cant tell you how much I hate Deal Or No Deal, and for the life of me I cant figure out why it is so damn popular.

I watched it once, in a kind of hazy fog of bewildered fascination, and the only thing that occurred to me that could explain its popularity is that the game itself functions as a king of MacGuffin thing, with the real entertainment provided by the interactions between the host and the contestants. In the episode I watched, one contestant was a woman who had just (IIRC) split from her husband, had undergone a makeover, and was there with a flock of her friends, playing the game (with their shouts and hoots and hollers of encouragement) as part of her starting her "new life." All of this was poured out as she stood there, flipping back and forth between her friends and the women holding the briefcases, trying desparately to choose the big bux that would help her go forward with her new-found zeal; the audience wanted her to win more so her life would be on a good track, not because they were interested in the play of the game.



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I used to get so mad at the showcase showdown cuz one was always awesome and the other was always a stupid bedroom set; more often than not some dip would pass on the trip, the car, and the motor home and end up haveing to take the kitchenette set. Urgh! So stupid!

You would of loved today when she passed on the $68,000 showcase of two trips and a car and ended up with the $89,000 showcase with the Grill, Cruise, and Convertable Cadillac... I thought she was crazy when she bid $83,000, but it was just enough to edge the other guys bid of $61,000 for his showcase.

Talk about going out in style... I'd love to see the 'showcase' Bob's going to be presented with by the company he's helped sling products for for half a century!

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almost got choked up there for a sec

Isnt that the story of your life?

I'll choke ya up

yeah, 2 minutes of Deal or No Deal and I get pissed right off... its like someone went out of their way to plan a show that would totally offend me... loathe it, when I see I feel like I understand everything thats wrong with the world

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