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accoustic guitar help


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Well, I'm no expert but Ive been trying to find a decent guitar these days as well. I am certainly in the beginner range of playing but have been hacking away for long enough to warrant a little spoiling ;)

About a year ago, my gf bought a nice Martin D-15 that has really fit my own needs for playability and overall feel...it also sounds amazing and has a beautiful look. Compared to my old Yamaha (about 30 years old) that Ive had kicking around the sound difference is completely overwhelming. Comparing the feel of the neck, and sound, I just couldn't stand and have been playing hers daily. I even had the Yamaha set up properly, and the action lowered. It has sentimental value to me and will make a good travel guitar but I just don't enjoy playing and learning on it.

Of course Im comparing apples to oranges but Im just saying that personal preference goes a long way, even as a beginner. Ive tried a number of different brands/models and find that a Martin feels best in my hands and has the sound I prefer.

Something to consider is that you can offen rent a guitar at the bigger stores. I recently brought home a Martin DCXIRE (the cutaway, w/ electronics, version of the guitar Pablo mentioned) to try out and am loving it.

Take your time picking one out. It's fun, you get to play a lot of different models, and really learn a thing or two in the process, which, as a beginner is what you're after anyhow.

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I was a little suspect upon reading the information regarding "ALL" Martin's that headstock reads "Martin & Co." being built in the US, so the other day I asked the guy (name will not be given...obviously) who is the sales rep for Ontario & Quebec for the official Canadian distributor of Martin guitars about this as he was due to stop in my shop for various meetings and in fact, over a year ago he had told me that soon Martin would be having the "X" series instruments made in Asia...and although they aren't made there yet, a good number of the "X" series guitars are made in Mexico, which when I last checked is not the USA. In fact, below is the address of the Mexico Martin factory...

C.F. Martin & Company

Calle 1 y Eje B

Navojoa SON, 85870

Parque Industrial Navojoa

Phone: (01152) 642-423-5052

Fax: (01152) 642-423-5053


Gawpo Giggles :D:D:D

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Hmmm, interesting bit about the Mexican made guitars by Martin. I haven't been able to find which models are made there and when production started but it seems like it is happening and is a newish thing.

The one I have says "Made in the USA" though...I wonder if they are still giving them that label even if they are assembled in Mexico??? Any idea how to tell where a specific guitar was made based on the serial number? I know you can tell date but factory might be nice to know as I would prefer one from the home factory for sure.

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Pablo's gonna be the guy that will know whats being made where...so no full dreads or anything yet I guess in Mexico...I really don't know just after reading this little thing...Jaimoe's comment about some being made in Asia, I remembered the rep saying it would be happening in the future and since he was coming by the store and it's kinda my job to know this shit, I'd figure I'd ask...

Even if there is some out of U.S building, it's not the end of the world and probably a pretty good thing...it'll make for a good guitar at a good price...I imagine if they ever go overseas it'll be something along the lines of the Eastman instruments where it's a small, truly devoted group of makers where the quality control is top-shelf...people can make instruments well all over the world and as long as they have good raw materials to begin with, then something is gonna work out...thats the exact reason that I often, for the money, prefer Alvarez/Yairi to these Canadian companies...on many models their spruce is actual Engleman (Sitka the choice for the Master series)and their cedar Western Red (I have also discussed the raw materials of these Godin instruments with their provincial sales rep as I always found it odd they would only list their instruments as having "spruce" or "cedar" tops...I'm also a guitar/violin maker and as luthier-dork as it is, this stuff interests me...if it didn't, I suppose I'd be in the wrong business now). The Yairi wood stock is really renowned for being one of the best naturally aired wood supplies for guitar making in the world...

Anyways...I think the best thing period is to play guitars, find one you like and if you got the cash for it, buy it...for inexpensive, I point my finger the Alvarez way and certainly one should check out the Hofner H series for a $500.00ish guitar w/ a fishman pick-up...REALLY great for the buck and the new "Contemporary" series of jazz boxes, thinlines and Beetle Basses are going to blow everything in it's price range out of the water!

Outty 5000,

Gawpo Giggles :D:D:D

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