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camping gear


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I don't know that you'd find a compression sack at Canadian Tire. Actually, I'd be quite surprised if you would.

Personally, camping gear is one thing I don't mind shelling out a bit of cash for. Having the right gear can make all the difference between a miserable time and an awesome weekend. Even something as seemingly innocuous as having the sleeping mat can make a big difference in keeping you warm and dry at night. MEC's prices are entirely reasonable, IMO.

Just my two cents. After working in outdoor shops for years (and camping/hiking/backpacking for even longer), I've seen a lot of good times turn sour because of cheap gear.

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I'm with you Hartamophone, if you get cheap gear it won't be realiable leaving you nervous about logistics instead of enjoying your trip and/or it won't last and you'll end up spending more $$$ in the long run. I look at gear as an investment. So long as you know how to take care of it it can last a lifetime.

As for prices, MEC sells in such volume that they pretty much have the best prices for the quality brands. They're like the Walmart of gear. An ethically-focus, socially responsible, cooperative Walmart.

...ok, so MEC is nothing like Walmart but for quality gear they've got good prices.

I've heard of folks getting good deals through: www.backcountry.com but I have no experience with the site and I imagine the savings on small items like stuff sacs are negligible.

My only other suggestion would be contacting a friend who works in the outdoor industry. They would likely have access to pro-deals, that they aren't supposed to share with friends but it's worth asking. Or contact a company directly and ask if you can get on their pro-deal list (which is a long shot). Asolo offers HUGE savings for their pro deals and they have great compression sacs.

P.S. My favourite compression sac is OR's waterproof helium (available at MEC here ).

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As for prices, MEC sells in such volume that they pretty much have the best prices for the quality brands. They're like the Walmart of gear. An ethically-focus, socially responsible, cooperative Walmart.

...ok, so MEC is nothing like Walmart but for quality gear they've got good prices.

Yeah, that's quite a ridiculous statement. I'm glad to see that you corrected yourself, though!

Sierra Trading Post (dot com) is another great online spot for gear.

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