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Pot Party on Parliment Hill


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WHERE: Ottawa, Parliment Hill

WHEN: Sept 25th, 2003 4:00pm

Marc Emery's "Summer of Legalization" Tour 2003

by Dana Larsen and Reverend Damuzi (15 Jul, 2003)

Join Canada's cannabis revolution and celebrate ganja freedom in your hometown!

Marc and `Canucks Bong` just before Winnipeg bust

Pot-activist Marc Emery invites Canadians everywhere to join him during his 2003 Summer of Legalization Tour.

"Because of recent court decisions, cannabis is legal everywhere in Canada," says Emery, who is publisher of Cannabis Culture magazine, President of the BC Marijuana Party and owner of Marc Emery Direct Marijuana Seeds. "Canadians need to smoke marijuana openly in front of police to demonstrate and secure their freedoms.

"The marijuana possession laws were deemed invalid in Ontario Courts, but the law struck down is one that affects all Canadians. It is my belief that since a Court of Appeal has struck down the cannabis possession law, and that at the time of the verdict of the Court of Appeal in July 2000 the government did not appeal the decision, but agreed to abide by the ruling, then in fact cannabis possession is not an offense known to law anywhere in Canada."

"I am hoping I can find supporters across Canada to hold a smoke-out in front of the local police headquarters. Of course, in many cases, we risk getting charged, but we will shed a lot of light and create some momentum in each community. So who's with me and who wants to help get me to hold a demonstration in your area?"

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Whoa Nelly. I don't think Monsieur Martin would reverse something like that which has now become more about the Medical aspect than the recreational. He won't be visiting pot farms like Allan Rock but he'll at least keep it off the main agenda. Besides, as a former Finance Minister I'd like to think he's aware of the costs of keeping it completely illegal.

As for Emery, well I'm not a big fan but I work afew blocks away so I may check it out from afar and see what (or who) goes down.

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Lest another Bobby picture kill another thread, I thought I would chime in here and say that I also think this is an incredibly stupid idea. We should all be happy the goverment is moving in the right direction, however slowly, and how are some people showing their appreciation? Smoking in front of cops and on Parliament Hill? What is that supposed to achieve?

P.S. Paul Martin sleeps in with red, white, and blue bedsheets and has a stuffed George W. doll on his bed. [Razz]

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Aw, Hux, you know we're just kidding around. Come to think of it, you know what would convince people of Martin's liberal stripes? How about a Bob Weird concert at Martin's inauguration?

Let's get organized people!!!

All foolish kidding aside, that G+M article was right, in that Chretien and Martin are pretty much cut from the same cloth. But we'll see what the man does when he's drunk on power.

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I just wish Martin had had someone other than Copps to kick his ass a little bit in the run for the leadership. For what seems like years now, he's been the "prime minister in waiting" which bugs me more than a little. I do hope he calls an election very soon after taking over. I know the Liberals will win, not a bad thing as far as I'm concerned, but the inevitability of his becoming PM for the next five years makes it hard to get engaged in the process, something an election will encourage, hopefully.

I for one will be keeping a very close eye on Martin to see whether he maintains the current lean to the left when it comes to social policy. If he doesn't, I will be very disappointed in him.

Having said that, I think re-establishing positive dialogue with the US is both necessary and desirable and should not be equated with ass-kissing or a pro-US-policy policy [Wink] .

Of course, if Weir sang at a Martin inauguration (in an alternate universe), I'm sure he'd pick a Garcia/Hunter tune for the occasion, heh heh.... [Wink] (that's for you, hux-a-licious!)

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Oh, and, if you go back a little while when Paul was first talking about taking over as Prime Minister, he mentioned building our military and:

Martin proclaimed we have to recognize the U.S. is our most important ally and trading partner and there must be renewed emphasis on strengthening ties between the offices of a Canadian prime minister and an American president.

It was this that I was referring to. Now I don't know about Bob Weir loving, Parliament Hill bureaucrats like yourself, but personally, I don't want this country getting more intimate with our lunatic neighbours to the south.

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I took a walk over to the hill for a quick look-see.

There's a good 500 + people there, and continually random stragglers showing up. Some walking up the path with a joint in hand, and some asking "Did he hand out the free joints yet?"

Seeems like some people are there primarily for freebies and the novelty.

Mostly, there are people there generally interested in Emery's customary marijuana speech. Stories on injustice and ridiculous sentences handed out are some of his primary facts. I heard one guy yell out "36 months!!!"

Anyway, the entire time, he's holding his big fatty which just looks priceless with his suit.

It's nice to see a peaceful protest on the Hill. I mean, there's no yelling, no one is there against the cause or spitting on parliament. In fact, it's just toooo peaceful [Wink] I could barely hear what he was saying. Aren't protests about chanting, yelling, throwing things, and tear gas?

THere's a pretty interesting cross-section of freaky people, young people, old people, middle-aged people....just a bunch of different people hanging out and listening....oh and passing joint s LIKE CRAZY!

As I was leaving, I spotted davey-boy and freeker. I can't wait to hear what they have to say. I had to come back to work, and passed up the good herb.

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