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Closest lightning strike you've experienced


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on the way home tonight along the ottawa parkway, there was a major thunderstorm going on around us. Lots of lighting. Then KAPOW! A bolt landed on the side of the road about 100 feet or so in front of where our car was pointing!

It was incredible!

I know I'm not alone when I say that I find severe weather exciting.

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Went to Elora gorge for a walk came back and for what ever reason, felt compelled to go into town and get an ice cream. I would usually just eat on the road but instead, sat in my car for about 10 minutes and then headed back. It had sprinkled at bit while I was in my car but nothing big. I went back the way I came to hit the highway home and there were at lease 8 large trees down in my path--it was really weird. There were a few people hurt including a motorcyclist. I think someone was watching out for me that day. Had I ate my cone on the road, I might have been badly hurt--who knows.

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got hit when i was about 16. a bolt struck the metal chimney at the cottage, came down to the wood stove my dad was stirring, jumped thru the air to my walkman which was plugged into the wall. walkman died, but we were all fine. was eerie blue, smelled like crisp ozone and was very very ... very ... loud.

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Kuipers and I were in our 5th floor apt. about 3 weeks ago and there was a major storm blowing thru KW and a large tree, not 40-50 ft. away gets struck BIG TIME! I didn't see the strike, only the sparky debris flying in front of the big patio door. We then started to check out a glowing stick hanging from a wire junction and out of nowhere it exlodes in one giant purple ball. VERY LOUD. I actually dove into the house (airborne) at being scared so much (pansy, i know) but the hydro arcing like that was way close...'bout 30ft. All of the appliances in the place died with the lightning strike, but when the hydro arced like that they all surged back on and the hallway light glowed purple for about a full 1 (one thousand) count. Craziest storm story i have and it was just a few weeks ago.

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Last summer we were playing cards in the kitchen when we heard a tremendous crack and saw what looked like two or three lightning bolts touch down in rapid succession outside the patio door. Then absolute quiet. The neighbour behind us eventually phoned over to see if we were alright. Over the course of the next few days, we came to discover the extent of the damage - 1 satellite receiver + 2 stereo systems + 1 computer + 1 water softener. All fried. Could have been worse.

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