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moe.down, who else is excited


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I had a blast, deffinatly a wickey festival, Great to meet lots of new people and meet up with the NB/NS crew! Highlight of my weekend was Bela and also the presidents of the untied states!!!! meow..... meow.. meow. meow meow meow ................Meow! lol !, just watchign the Iclips show and its bringing back such good memories!!

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great fun, great fun

lots of great music from moe. and friends. Levon looked like he was getting old but still kicking it. YMSB was awesome. I've never really listened to them before and they rocked.

One fun thing was the kids tent. They had a talent show where the kids could go up on stage and do some act. The first one was a band calling themselves the Pickles and it was Al, his wife Diane and I believe his two kids. Rob was in attendance and his little guy also put on a little show. Very cute. The little girl that was playing in the pickles just loved Trey and hung out with him the whole time. If it was al's daughter then she's doing very good with the autism thing, very aware compared to some I've seen. Then again, could have been his niece or some such. Either way, great fun in the kidzone if any of you are thinking about moe.downing it with some kids, hit it up.

Security sucked balls this time. It was really hard to sneak liquor into the actual stage grounds.

Very busy too. The chuck side quiet area is no longer quiet. Nitrous all over the place there and it was packed all the way to the end of the campground.

One person died over the weekend, though, which kinda sucks. Probably OD though it's not official yet.

alright, that's all for now. Caught a cold and must recoup.

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Yea they were super sticky with the security I found aswell........ Fuckin Ninja's :P

One of the guys I was with was walking near some of those guys (a special security detail, dressed in black, pretty much head to toe), and made some comment about "the ninjas." One of them turned around and said, very sternly and with a huge amount of resentment, "We're not fucking ninjas."



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as far as I know they've always had security at the gates to the stage and town but before it was really easy to sneak stuff in, just put it in your pockets, they never really checked. This time they padded everyone down and searched bags and shit which kinda sucked. Some people had a theory that it was the beer company that insisted on it since they don't make any money if everyone sneaks their own stuff in.

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Some people had a theory that it was the beer company that insisted on it since they don't make any money if everyone sneaks their own stuff in.

Maybe, but if they had had better beer (maybe a different brewery, or at least a better selection of the beers they had), I would have bought more. (I pretty much gave up on Saranac after Friday night.)



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I'm thinking the same thing. I had a run-in with a ninja on a four-wheeler. I went into the bush for a little pee which happened to be the same rough area where you could trek through with your alcohol (up the hill in the bush from the chuck side gate). I was pretty sober at the time and went up to my usual tree to find some guy sitting there on his four wheeler in the dark, you could barely see him. He was the dude preventing people from sneaking through the forest (worked saturday night but they figured it out and put that and other dudes there sunday night). Well, I get up to my tree and notice he's there so I say "hey, mind if I borrow your tree for a minute?" I have never felt so much hostility from a person as this dude who answers with a very mean, very rude "get the fuck away from me now!!". Sometimes I just don't like the security guards. I was no threat to him, wasn't even fucked up, just had to pee and he was sitting in what many men had turned into a washroom. Stupid ninja's.

I just remembered, they also tore apart my bags on the way into the campground the first day. Even the baby bag filled with baby shit the guy took most of it out looking for drugs I guess.

On the other hand, having trey we were often able to just walk right past security while they searched other people and that was nice.

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i can't see your pics, if anyone in my crew has pics please post em or email thanks :)

moe.down was awesome. great crew of canada skanks and ohio skanks, moe.ron's bday, fun music, FISHBONE!, *~*sweet berry wine*~*, moe. silliness and fun and great weather. it was a really impressive festival!

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Okay I think I migth have this facebook thing figured out why it does and sometimes doesnt work out, I guess to see my pictures you have to have to be a friend of mine, or a friend of a friend of mine. So I guess people have to have mutal mutal friends or something I accepted the friend invites from those who sent them to me and hopefully were all connected somehows or another if not just add me and that will do the trick. anywho im off to stair at the back of my eye lids for a half dozen hours ! Later days!

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