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McCain picks female running mate


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Jon Stewart's Daily Show is in St. Paul this week, his shows originating from the Republican convention, just as last week's did from the Democratic shindig in Denver.

On the main highway from Minneapolis Airport, Stewart reached out to delegates.

"Welcome, White, Rich, Oligarchs,'' he says on a strategically-placed billboard.

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Gotta love the GOP and their "Godly" ways ... Lesbian daughters, pregnant daughters out of wedlock, daughters who drink underage, etc. etc.

i know eh. they should just call themselves the Denialist Party. how they punish themselves for being normal by making the rest of us pay. if it weren't so regressive and vicious at times, it would be laughable.

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I could of said Obama was going to win when he made his first appearance on Oprah. It's been just under two years since then. The Republicans put up a chump candidate with an even chumpier VP... I don't even think the Diebold machines can save them from this outcome, nor do I think that they even want it.

If I could vote in the states, it would be for Ron Paul... but Obama is the clear choice of the political machine down there... the debates seem so redundant at this point. And Palin just seems like a suicide play for the GOP.

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Agreed Ollie. It was a very good speech. However, it was a lot of hot air IMHO. There were a bunch of holes in it. One I caught was her chirping about how she was opposed to the "Bridge to Nowhere" that was going to cost millions (all for the benefit of the oil companies). I remember reading in an article yesterday that she had been fighting FOR it until the Senate rose up and squashed it.

She was up there lambasting the Dems for ripping her apart for "lack of experience". Then she turns around and says that Obama's no good because he's never introduced/changed a law in his life. WTF!! What the hell have the Repubs been saying about Obama all this time? Lack of experience as a fault. Now Palin is toting her minimal experience up in AK as some sort of major plus?

What really bothered me was the reaction of the crowd every time they slammed the Dems. Notice the crowd too???? I saw ONE black guy in there. The Republicans definitely do NOT represent the US public.

I haven't had a chance to read much about the speech today, but i'm looking forward to it. This is going to be entertaining to say the least (better than 90210 ;) )

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What really bothered me was the reaction of the crowd every time they slammed the Dems. Notice the crowd too???? I saw ONE black guy in there. The Republicans definitely do NOT represent the US public.

And they kept showing him over and over again.

What I found weird was the old guy in the crowd wearing a button that said "I'm voting for the hot chick". Creepy and sexist much?

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Thanks brad. Damn, when are they going to learn that people look into these things? I guess the dumbed-down public is really that massive that it just doesn't matter. They never read/watch the news or investigate for themselves.

Stupid is as stupid does ...

I pity the great USofA. It's really sad in so many ways. I truly hope that they can start to turn their ship around.


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Notice the crowd too???? I saw ONE black guy in there. The Republicans definitely do NOT represent the US public.


Only 36 of the 2,380 delegates seated on the convention floor are black, the lowest number since the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies began tracking diversity at political conventions 40 years ago. Each night, the overwhelmingly white audience watches a series of white politicians step to the lectern — a visual reminder that no black Republican has served as a governor, U.S. senator or U.S. House member in the past six years.



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