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Stephen Harper is an enemy of Canada


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Dudes, have you been watching the billion here, billion there spending promises coming out of Layton and Dion's mouths this campaign? Anyone and everyone is going to spend right now. Paul Martin did it in his last budget, Stephen Harper is doing it, and I can outright guarantee you Stephane Dion and as ridiculous as this notion seems, Jack Layton would too. Friggin' George Bush is doing it. The days of government bail-outs are upon us. You can't compare spending levels of governments in prosperous times to those in recessions.

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I find the people's politics there nothing short of utterly repulsive.

Then I am sure you and Harper are of the same mind. In fact he find's them so repulsive he never listens to anyone, much like a fascist dictator..only he hasn't directly murdered anyone...yet.

Harper is the worst we've had since Mulroney, in fact he makes Mulroney look good in comaparison. Much like Bush makes Nixon look good.

Harper is an enemy of Canada and embarasses us on a daily basis and shames this great land.

If it were up to Harper we'd have oil rigs in our backyards, big-business prisions, 2 tier health car, expensive pharmacuticals and a new war on drugs.

Some times I think this guy teleported from 1950 USA.

What a douche! What is even more shocking is that no one in to speak of in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver votes conservative, so really we are all just hostage to his right wing-backwards ass big business first politics...

I think I'm gonna be sick...


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A whole country exists outside of the city Chameleon... eh?

Not at all. The whole country exists within the cities and outside it in the rural areas as a whole. The stone cold truth is that within the cities I mentioned, and also including Calgary ,resides the majority of this countries population. It is also these cities, with Toronto in the lead, that generate the lion's share of the money that runs the rest of the country. So it is pretty hard to swallow when Harper doesn't even have the balls to show up in any of them most of the time and Toronto never. The cities need to be represented for those reasons.

Folks in rural communities deserve their say to but not at the exclusion of the financial and populous urban majority.

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What about the oil sands and refineries, manufacturing and agriculture? What about Quebec's renewable resources? I'd venture to say the lion's share of the money running the rest of the country is generated outside of our major cities.

2.5 million Ontarians live in the GTA, 10 million don't.

1.5 million Quebecors live in Montreal, 6 million don't.

575,000 British Columbians live in Vancouver, 3.7 million don't.

Then there's the other i don't know, 7 or 8 million Canadians outside of our major urban centres.

I don't know what to say. Seems to me you'd only be happy if the voting system were tipped more in favour of major urban centres to choose our future governments.

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Birdy, the major urban centres yes, but don't discount the small and large cities that make up most of the rest of the populace.

The undenyable truth about the childcare spending is that the increased productivity from both childrens' families from being able to work, and the immense value of quality early childhood education, these childcare promises will MORE THAN pay for themselves.

Say only 10 million people paid taxes...let's say the richest people in the whole country....and they were to bear the burden of a 2 billion dollar childcare increase. Their $200 a year would pay for everything...but we have far more than 10 million taxpayers and the new daycare plans will open parents up to contribute to their communities and also work which most do. With the spending of the curtrent government, the next government (if it's a change of party) will most likely have giant surpluses that will go to all new programs with much to spare...

I think though that if the libs or NDP had a plan to reward parents for staying at home and taking care of their children (basically what they'd pay a daycare) then we wouldn't HAVE to spend money opening up spaces.

The general consensus from Right wingers is that taxpayers shouldn't have to bear the burden of people that in their eyes don't deserve a handout.

Anyhow, if there were more incentives for young ECE grads to start their own businesses and invest in facilities upgrades and construction then there would also be more money floating around the economy.

the libs/ndp 's plans aren't the only answer but they're a necessary first step to this country being richer socially, ethically, and financially.

I don't think that everyone that votes Conservative is a moron or an idiot, but most of them don't put themselves in a position where they can properly evaluate the reasons that they want to vote conservative and look at the current situation. It takes hours and hours and hours of one's life that would be better spent, say, working and raising kids. As well, this is pretty much a snap election so people have not been paying attention as much in the past 6 months...

The conservative MP in my riding of Leeds Grenville has really kept his constituents happy and worked to improve the counties. There could undoubtedly be more ore better things that he could have done, but he's done a great job. I see PC signs and I see Green signs in my riding. Almost as many as PC - on peoples' lawns. I sure hope Julie Warnock gets elected here because I know she'd work incredibly hard for us. She'd have a lot to prove, as a first time Green MP and of the Green Candidates I've met - they all seem really into the job itself.

I'm optimistic that this election will bring people to a new understanding of how this country would best be run...

Get a new government in and we have new practices, elect the same and in 4 years we'll see our err in judgement.

This country can do a helluva lot better and I think that this is slowly sinking in for Canadians.

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With both our snap election in October and the upcoming election across the border, I try not to think of dark days that may lie ahead for both countries...

And just to add a little voodoo & speculation is it just coincidence that the Mayan calendar predicts the end of of one time and transitioning into the next age at the end of the first term of whoever is in power in the States...

I share a similar view with Yours Truly when it comes to casting my vote...vote for the person, not the party as most governments have a degree of corruption that is in place...find the person that is least likely to succumb to corruption and try to change the system from the inside as unbelievable as that may seem or sound...

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Birdy, the major urban centres yes, but don't discount the small and large cities that make up most of the rest of the populace.

The undenyable truth about the childcare spending is that the increased productivity from both childrens' families from being able to work, and the immense value of quality early childhood education, these childcare promises will MORE THAN pay for themselves.

Say only 10 million people paid taxes...let's say the richest people in the whole country....and they were to bear the burden of a 2 billion dollar childcare increase. Their $200 a year would pay for everything...but we have far more than 10 million taxpayers and the new daycare plans will open parents up to contribute to their communities and also work which most do. With the spending of the curtrent government, the next government (if it's a change of party) will most likely have giant surpluses that will go to all new programs with much to spare...

I think though that if the libs or NDP had a plan to reward parents for staying at home and taking care of their children (basically what they'd pay a daycare) then we wouldn't HAVE to spend money opening up spaces.

The general consensus from Right wingers is that taxpayers shouldn't have to bear the burden of people that in their eyes don't deserve a handout.

Anyhow, if there were more incentives for young ECE grads to start their own businesses and invest in facilities upgrades and construction then there would also be more money floating around the economy.

the libs/ndp 's plans aren't the only answer but they're a necessary first step to this country being richer socially, ethically, and financially.

I don't think that everyone that votes Conservative is a moron or an idiot, but most of them don't put themselves in a position where they can properly evaluate the reasons that they want to vote conservative and look at the current situation. It takes hours and hours and hours of one's life that would be better spent, say, working and raising kids. As well, this is pretty much a snap election so people have not been paying attention as much in the past 6 months...

The conservative MP in my riding of Leeds Grenville has really kept his constituents happy and worked to improve the counties. There could undoubtedly be more ore better things that he could have done, but he's done a great job. I see PC signs and I see Green signs in my riding. Almost as many as PC - on peoples' lawns. I sure hope Julie Warnock gets elected here because I know she'd work incredibly hard for us. She'd have a lot to prove, as a first time Green MP and of the Green Candidates I've met - they all seem really into the job itself.

I'm optimistic that this election will bring people to a new understanding of how this country would best be run...

Get a new government in and we have new practices, elect the same and in 4 years we'll see our err in judgement.

This country can do a helluva lot better and I think that this is slowly sinking in for Canadians.

My response to the Chameleon's post was directed towards him asking about the needs of our three major urban centres who historically don't vote tory. Other smaller urban centres do have conservative support.

I think (NDP excluded) the childcare packages put forth by both the Liberals and the Conservatives would aim for the same outcome, but with a different means of getting there, aside from the Conservatives putting an end to the pledge made by the previous Liberals to work with the provinces in creating provincial daycare programmes.

Jack Layton proposes a federal universal daycare program with an initial budget of $1.45 billion for the first year. Quebec's daycare program alone costs $1.7 billion a year. The numbers don't seem to add up. The NDP cannot project what the total cost of such an initiative would cost. Quebec's daycare system experiences problems with access for children, long waiting lists, competitiveness for spots, etc. The same problems we experience with universal health care. In the US, those states with universal daycare rank amongst the worst in terms of child performance and education. I'm not in favour of universal daycare, as noble as the proposal is. The quality of universal healthcare in Canada is substandard in comparison to the privatized system in the USA. I would prefer that Canadian children not be subjected to a substandard, state-oriented education and rather have options for great care.

I think the Greens are onto something with income tax shifting and hopefully the Conservatives (who've toyed with the idea in the past) will consider it as well. Any incentives for a parent to stay at home is a good one in my books. The Conservatives are pledging to help small businesses (you cited ECE grads opening up shops) by raising the tax rate to $500,000 in income. I suppose it's all in how you look at it.

I wouldn't say that most supporters of the Conservatives don't clearly evaluate. a LOT of them feel the same of those who vote NDP or Liberal. It's just differences of opinion. Where one views tax credits as the answer, the other views spending.

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