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Stephen Harper is an enemy of Canada


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the man is evil incarnate. Moreso than even Bush (perhaps because he's canadian) I find myself in binary opposition to nearly every single one of his judgements.

Since taking over as Prime Minister Stephen Harper has waged a non-stop attack on Canada and everything Canadians value. He has repeatedly assaulted Canada's natural environment


right down to allowing Canadian lakes to be used as toxic dump sites at no cost to polluters.



Although he promised open accountable government, Harper has lead one of the most secretive, authoritarian governments in Canadian history.




And while he was elected in part due to corruption on the part of the Liberals, Harper has lead one of the most deeply corrupt governments in recent memory.

From the in-out scheme


to the Cadman affair


and beyond



He has waged a relentless assault on the arts from attempts to kill the Canadian film industry


To a copyright bill that is good for big media companies but bad for artists and that would make most Canadians into criminals


to his rejection of a Heritage Committee recommendation that would have strengthened and improved the CBC


and most recently his cuts to export subsidies for the arts


He has been no friend to Canadian cities



He scrapped a child care plan years in the making and replaced it with a much weaker, watered down credit


He has done his best to erode women's rights


Including cutting off funding to groups that lobby for womens rights


and closing "Status of Women" offices


Harper almost, at one point, had a backbone - placing the U.S. and Israel on a 'Torture Watch List' - which is a list of countries where prisoners risk being tortured.


But Harper's spine quickly gave way when the US and Israel were upset, though they presented no counter evidence.


He has bungled the economy (one of the few areas the Tories are supposed to be good at)


There have also been cuts to adult literacy, youth employment and internship programs, Indian Affairs, technology development, citizenship and immigration, apparel and textiles, workplace skills training, the National Crime Prevention Centre, Social Development Partnership Programs, the mountain pine beetle program, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Canadian Volunteerism Initiative, Health Canada's policy research, the elimination of the Canadian Identity Program, cuts to the RCMP impaired driving program, the Museums Assistance Program, the Closing of Commercial Heritage Property Incentive Fund run by Parks Canada


and despite cuts to almost everything Canadians care about, may soon take us back into deficits


He reneged on his promise not to tax income trusts, costing many small investors - including retirees small fortunes, because Harper had promised not to tax these trusts many were buying them until days before his announcement.


Finally he has done considerable damage to Canada's reputation abroad. From refusing to attend the world aids conference


to insulting the Chinese people (and Canadian athletes) by his absence from the opening ceremonies


His administration has interfered in foreign elections by leaking private information


and left classified documents with girlfriends


They have also damaged Canada's reputation as a refuge from wars and war crimes by deporting asylum seekers.


And allowed big business to rewrite immigration policy


In short Stephen Harper's government has been inept, corrupt, incompetent, immoral and staunchly anti-Canadian on almost every important issue. So, like the Americans, Canadians have a choice to make between the failed policies of the Bush Administration (echoed by Harper) and a reversal of that course.

Stephen Harper and his Tories have never enjoyed more than about 35% support in Canada, yet they manage to cling to power. If they truly care about Canada it is time for the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party to put aside their differences, focus on areas of common ground and at least temporarily come together in Coalition.

If the next election results in anything less than a majority parliament, Stephen Dion, Jack Layton and their parties should make it clear to Stephen Harper and the Governor General that they will act in concert and prevent the Harper Neo-Con agenda from going any further, that they can and will form a coalition Government and will block any further legislation by Stephen Harper until given a chance to do so.

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Please don't forget that he has cut all public funding for internet use at public libraries.

Yet somehow, I can continue to access free internet at both the Blenheim and Chatham libraries.

I'm not sure how "he" can cut public funding as if it's funds from the public, he has no say as how those funds are used.

Cutting government funding for library internet usage doesn't make any sense either as it's impeding access to knowledge...unless that's his master plan; to "dumb down" Canadians so we resemble the average Republican...

The so-called "plans" that Harper, Dion & Layton have been introducing are laughable but it's what all parties do, especially when a quick election is called...promise everything and when elected blame the previous government for leaving empty coffers...

Do we want another minority? Hell no as our country will be worse off but what will that do to the average Canadian when casting their vote?...vote conservative so there'll be a majority and we won't have to be bombarded with campaign BS in another few years?...a strong possibility...is Dion the guy for Canada?...just my opinion but no...he does not come across as a leader but that's part of his current strategy; to surround himself with his staff for strength...

The worst is being subjected to the smear campaigns and advertisement as they're below most voters who have an idea of the political machine...even worse when you have to actually record and mix these ads...just bite your tongue for eight hours and try not to vomit on the console or turn off the air circulation in the vocal booth... ;)

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I think we've already seen a Harper majority. I'd hope if the Cons were dealt another minority the Opposition would start playing their role as the opposition and fighting the government on these key areas of policy they feel so strongly about. The past two years have been nothing short of a joke with Dion talking one way and nodding his head the other. I don't want to see a tough on drug policy in our country and the Opposition and other MPs have the chance to ensure we don't, but will they? The Conservatives haven't been the only ones playing this election and minority government to their own party's interests. On the other hand, I don't want to see universal daycare either, and voting to elect either the NDP and/or the Libs is a risk, as there's more lefty ideologues who would be for it sitting in parliament.

These attack ads are nauseating. I only find it ironic how the CPC was sooo condemned for introducing them a few years back and came under heavy fire from the left for it. Look whose taking it up a notch! Reminds me of the opposition to the GST in the days of Mulroney.

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I'd hope if the Cons were dealt another minority the Opposition would start playing their role as the opposition and fighting the government on these key areas of policy they feel so strongly about. The past two years have been nothing short of a joke with Dion talking one way and nodding his head the other.

I pretty much agree with this. I haven't been terribly disappointed with CPC governing in a minority capacity, and do think the opposition could step it up a notch. I'd be pretty content with another Conservative minority. (Bleeding heart small-l liberal speaking here, even)

I want to love the Liberals, but think they haven't had a long enough time out to have all the hubris they've built up deflated.

I sorta kinda wanna debate your position on universal daycare (I totally agree, actually, that the quality can get diluted with an ill-implemented public system, but am more concerned that super-high-quality is meaningless if it is totally inaccessible by being unattainably expensive, which super-high-quality tends to be). I lived in Quebec and saw both the good and the bad of it .. I'd like to see parallel systems in that space, I think. Might make for a fun thread, if anyone has the patience.

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I'm not really talking super-high-quality here, moreso options. Like when I was a kid I went to a preschool put on by a local neighbourhood lady. I don't remember much other than the crafts cupboard (she had more pompoms, construction paper, glitter and glue than I've ever seen in one spot since), naptime (we slept on carpet samples) and 'if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands'. There were about 20 of us who went to this school (or so my pictures tell me) and it was held in the basement of the Masonic Temple in little old Blenheim. It was by no means high-quality, but it was nurturing, cheap and led by a lady who genuinely cared for the education and care of little kids. This is what I'd hope to be available for kids today. I kinda fear that creating a national day care program alongside of privatized versions, will actually drive operations like this out of the market. I'm sure back in the day if there was a federally funded free daycare for children, i'd be there and not at Mrs. Brush's nursery school. These cheap, nurturing daycares will either cease to exist, or become more of a ritzy, private school version.

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Have ya ever looked after 20 kids under the age of 5 or so???? That ratio is atrocious. I'm not being a snob advocating ritzy private care facilities, but that's downright dangerous. You can't watch that many kids SAFELY. Those style daycares still exist, but they are "underground". If they were ever discovered by the powers that be, they'd be shut down in a second based on safety issues.

In the past 6 years i've had 2 children and had to deal with the childcare system in this province. We've been fortunate and have found decent care for our children, but it hasn't been easy, and we had a bit of luck on our side. Trust me, that $100 (taxable too!) that was handed out starting 2 years ago is a drop in the bucket.

For us to have 2 kids in a regionally run (meets standards, qualified staff, safety, etc.) daycare comes to almost $1400 a MONTH!!! Yeah, thanks for the chump change Harper.

Now, the great thing at tax time is that you can claim those expenses and you get a nice chunk back. I'm all for that. I'd rather have tax incentives be laid out that way. It ensures that the money is being spent on child care at licensed facilities.

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Um, Mrs. Brush wasn't the only one looking after us. She ran the school. There were numerous staff working there and absolutely nothing about these schools could be considered 'underground', nor would they fear being 'shut down'.

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[color:black]Canada's Population

Total pop: 31,752,842 (estimated 2004)

By City: (Polled 2002)

(metro) Toronto, Ontario 5,029,900

(metro) Montreal Quebec 3,548,800

(metro) Vancouver, British Columbia 2,122,700

Ottawa-Hull, Ontario-Quebec 1,128,900

Calgary, Alberta 993,200

Edmonton, Alberta 967,200

Quebec (city), Quebec 697,800

Winnipeg, Manitoba 677,800

Hamilton, Ontario 657,800

London, Ontario 416,000

Kitchener, Ontario 408,500

Halifax, Nova Scotia 348,900

Victoria, British Columbia 316,800

Windsor, Ontario 295,900

Oshawa, Ontario 287,500

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 229,500

Regina, Saskatchewan 199,200

St. John's, New Foundland 175,200

Chicoutimi-Jonquière, Quebec 141,900

Trois-Rivieères, Quebec 141,900

Thunder Bay, Ontario 127,500

Saint John, New Brunswick 127,500

Total city/urban population: 19,026,000

[color:red]So approximately 60% of Canada's population live in cities, perhaps more. I restricted my examples to only cities with populations above 100,000.

Now some in these smaller cites actually may vote conservative but I would hazard to say the majority don't. Therefore the conservatives, their values and policies do not reflect nor are they in line with the majority of Canadians.

Please use accurate data in the future when defending the conservative agenda.

Canada legal info: refference canada

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Billy was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture when suddenly a brand-new BMW advances out of a dust cloud towards him. The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, will you give me a calf?"

The cowboy looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, why not?"

The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite navigation system to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo. The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg , Germany .

Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses a MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel Spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response. Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer and finally turns to the cowboy and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves."

"That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says the Cowboy.

He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amused as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car.

Then the cowboy says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?"

The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?"

"You're a member of parliament for the Canadian Government", says the cowboy.

"Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?"

"No guessing required." answered the cowboy. "You showed up here even though nobody called you. You want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You tried to show me how much smarter than me you are. And you don't know a thing about cows -- this is a herd of sheep. Now give me back my dog."

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I think the Dion attacks are pretty much true, and what most Canadians who've been staunchly liberal (and those sitting inside the party) are thinking themselves (the whole he's no leader thing). I don't like them, think they show poor taste in being an attack ad, but that's ringing true for all parties right now, aside from the Greens. None of them really 'upset' me, I just think they're ridiculous. Maybe since I see more anti-Harper ones as there's three party's to one, I get a little biased.

I don't understand why the NDP don't target the Liberals more in their ads. Seems to me they stand to pick up more votes from them than a teetering Conservative-Liberal who will undoubtedly vote Conservative in response to whatever it is the Liberals are sorting through. I am happy though the Libs are up in the polls.

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I don't understand why the NDP don't target the Liberals more in their ads. Seems to me they stand to pick up more votes from them than a teetering Conservative-Liberal who will undoubtedly vote Conservative in response to whatever it is the Liberals are sorting through. I am happy though the Libs are up in the polls.

It may pan out to be good strategy. The NDP have been knocked pretty hard in the past for targeting the Liberals instead of the Conservatives, and their justification has been that the Liberals were the governing party, so that's who they were addressing. This time out it's the Conservatives who are the governing party, and being consistent to that philosophy, they are now targeting the Conservatives. I think, too, that they are trying to capitalize on that whole lack of confidence in Dion as a leader. It's not that they aren't trying to win over Liberal voters (IMO), it's just that they think they can win over more potential Liberal voters by presenting themselves as gunning for the actual office rather than just taking pot-shots at the Libs. Seems to be working so far, as Layton is running second to Harper as 'most viable leader' in the polls.

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No plans to Ollie! :)

It's not that they aren't trying to win over Liberal voters (IMO), it's just that they think they can win over more potential Liberal voters by presenting themselves as gunning for the actual office rather than just taking pot-shots at the Libs.

This election will be interesting in the least. I suppose that's a good strategy, I never thought of it that way. And by all means they need to legitimize themselves. Just seems that at this particular time they have more chance to secure lefty-liberal votes by calling attention to the lack of leadership of the Liberals... these kinds of opportunities don't come along often with the Libs. I'd want to pick some of those up if I were Jack Layton. But maybe he will without even trying... hmmm.

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