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highlights of ottawa

snarfmaster C

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hey folks

how about building a list of your favourite things about this city.

i'm trying to take in as much of the city's highlights while i'm still here.

so far i've got:

irene's blues jams


herb&spice bank st

national art gallery

obviously the music fests, but i'm talking day-to-day.

there's gotta be at least one or two other things i'm missing here...

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-The statues on the west side of Elgin (near Sparks, in front of a fancy hotel or a Bell Canada buidling maybe) of child-sized trees wearing red mary-jane shoes.

-The "Mo-tet" exhibit in the chapel of the Art gallery, an audio art exhibit.

-The cat zone on parliament hill, west of the main building if i remember correctly)

-Under the bridge where the eastern parkway crosses over "Greens Creek", a tributary of the Ottawa River -- Best. Frogcatching-spot. Ever.

-Cabane à sucres (maple sugar shacks)

-There is a camera & microscope store somewhere on Bank Street full of cool contraptions and a wacky, knowledgible owner. (I realize saying "somewhere on Bank" is rather obnoxious and entirely unhelpful - sorry).

Enjoy your final days in the capitol my friend!

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i should get in to another question period before i go. and to another sens game. good calls.

not especially a fan of the war museum though. museum of civilisation is on my list.

frog-catching sounds like a good time - never been out that way.

i am kinda surprised that the cat ghetto made this list. twice, too. i think once you've seen it, you've had your fill.

anyhoo, keep em coming!

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I'm a big fan of chinatown. There's a great market at about 1042 somerset which is probably the end of chinatown that has lots of great fresh seafood, beef, pork, chicken bones, and vegetables. Lots of japanese and korean crazy shit too. Maybe go buy a bunch of Pocky Sticks?

Shanghai BOy Noodle House at Somerset and Bronson is the best pho/noodle place. Yangztee and the place across the street, Chu Shing have the best Dim Sum.

Maybe that's all off topic, but food seems to be what I remember most about cities.


don't forget to hit Hull for some poutine. The Pataterie is pretty damn good. wait, you're veggie aren't you? Ignore all my meat suggestions.

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bouche: hahaha ya, i don't do dairy either.

it's true - much of what i love about ottawa are the restaurants. i'm a fan of coriander thai, the veg salad rolls at temptation, habesh ethiopian, the mixed drinks and fried plantain at the pupuseria by my place ;), chez lucien, and the latin american and "international" food stores right by my house too.

city living does have it's perks, but man oh man am i looking forward to eating my dinner immediately out of the garden :)

i'll be in toronto regularly too, so access to all kinds of international fixins for my kitchen creations :)

AD: ew. i might have to go back then. ;)

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Oh, one more.

Next to the Giant Tiger store in the byward market there is an alley way with murals on either side. There is even a 'mural' that stretches across the alley between the two walls. All the art depicts various Franco-Ontarien folkloric tales. I don't remember how self-explanatory it is but I'm sure there is some sort of interpretive panel there. If not we'll have to go together when i'm in town for easter and I can give you the low down of everything I remember from grade 10 histoire.

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You could check out Raw Sugar cafe at 692 Somerset St W. It just opened up late last year and has a really cool layout and vibe. If you like David Bowie their having a few artists doing a cover night tomorrow (Sunday), Lisa Poushinsky, Brian Simms and friends, w/Liam Kearney opening, and it's a pay what you can, starts at 8:00. The last night they did was Tom Waits and the place was packed, so may want to go earlier if you do decide to go. Or you could just check the place out anytime for coffee or whatever...

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Until May 31, 2009, visitors to the Canada Agriculture Museum, Canada Aviation Museum and Canada Science and Technology Museum who present a valid OC Transpo transit pass or transfer can receive a free museum admission with the purchase of one paid admission of equal or greater value. ...poster in .pdf format

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