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What the hell is a Twitter Search?


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It's actually a super time saver for me. All the goodness of RSS but with a character limit. A security advisory or something else comes out, or someone makes a commit to a project that I am working on, and I get an instant notification. Tie it in with automation, and you have a pretty good information distribution infrastructure.

All that said, that probably puts me in category B). But hey, time is money, no?

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Others inquire as to the usefulness of a product when their lives don't match up with its intended purpose.

D: Yes time is money and I can understand your use for twitter. I did some research after you posted this and can see its point outside of a purely community/ communication tool which is what I was using it for. Thanks.

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with tweet deck, just click on the search icon at the top and it will return a list of tweets with your key word. It will also create a new panel that will refresh every minute-ish.

as for useful, it was useful in that I didn't have to go looking and refreshing webpages, waiting for posts to see what was being played in real time. Twitter is realtime internet. very cool.

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I've been playing with the twitter api and found a way to create a simple post to twitter.

So what I've done as a neat experiment is create a community twitter account called TheSkanks. Basically, if you're a member here, you can send tweets to that twitter account.

On the main portal page, you'll notice a box for sending a tweet on the right. In the forums, it's on the left.

Please don't abuse it. Post interesting thoughts, links, or whatever. no swearing or offensive shit. that would just ruin the experiment.

I next would be to build a following. I'm not sure how to do that yet. I might have to start doing that on my own by manually following people and they'll intern follow us.

This could be a very cool social experiment if it's done right. I was going to create a special group here for it, but what good is a social experiment if it's locked down?

Just be responsible and please remember the ultimate goal is to create a huge following.

As I figure more things out, I'll be able to create a forum here that displays our twitter account feed.

There is a 140 char limit, so if you need to link something, use something like http://bit.ly/ to make smaller url's.

Here is TheSkanks page.

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