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Tory plans for U.S.-style prisons slammed in report


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Is This Crazy Or Just Fucking Stupid?

The Conservative government plans to bring in an American-style prison system that will cost billions of taxpayer dollars and do little to improve public safety, according to a report to be released Thursday in Ottawa.

The 235-page report, A Flawed Compass, is a scathing review of the government's plan, which it calls "immoral, unethical and illegal."

University of British Columbia law professor Michael Jackson and Graham Stewart, who recently retired after decades as head of the John Howard Society of Canada, prepared the report.

A panel led by Rob Sampson, a former corrections minister in Ontario's Mike Harris government, drafted the government plan, which is being implemented by the Correctional Service.

In addition to constructing super prisons and implementing work programs, the program will eliminate gradual release and deny inmates rights that are now entrenched in the constitution.

By stressing punishment rather than rehabilitation, the plan ignores lessons of the past, which led to the prison riots and killings that dominated Canadian news in the early 1970s, said Jackson.

"My greatest fear is with this road map's agenda and its underlying philosophy, we will enter a new period of turmoil and violence in Canadian prisons," he said.

"I do fear that prisons will become more abusive, prisoners will become more frustrated and that we could go back to a time not only when the rule of law was absent but a culture of violence is the dominant way in which prisoners express their frustrations."

The plan attempts to emulate the American "get tough" system, which incarcerated hundreds of thousands of people and has left some states on the verge of bankruptcy, said Stewart.

He called the plan "an ideological rant. All their recommendations are just that they believe in something.… There's no evidence for anything they recommend, there's no research, no background."

The federal road map flies in the face of the Correctional Service's own research of what works to rehabilitate prisoners and ensure community safety, said Stewart.

"The fact is that you cannot hurt a person and make them into a good citizen at the same time."

The government has already allocated hundreds of millions to the plan, even though it has had no input from either Parliament or the public, according to the report.


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The thing I can't get my head around is imagining educated people discussing all the benefits of the US incarceration system.

It truly boggles my mind, and the scariest part is that the article seems to indicate this is beyond the planning stages.

"A panel led by Rob Sampson, a former corrections minister in Ontario's Mike Harris government, drafted the government plan, which is being implemented by the Correctional Service."

"The government has already allocated hundreds of millions to the plan, even though it has had no input from either Parliament or the public, according to the report."

Fucking loser fucking asshole conservatives. If these pricks hate Canada so much why don't they just fucking move to the US?

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I saw a bit of the press conference just now on CBC Newsworld, and they raised some interesting "red flags" against the government's proposal, but missed a big one, I think: do we need a change at all? Are crime rates going up or down? Are the rates of re-offending for released/paroled prisoners increasing or decreasing? In other words, leaving aside the types of changes the government wants to make, the government first needs to show that a change is actually necessary, and I haven't seen that they've done that. (As well, I also want to see what measurements the government either has in place or will put in place to gauge how well the changes are [or aren't] working, and what the government will do if these changes [assuming they're implemented] don't improve things.)



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Hux skates across the blue line, winds up ...

Keep wasting your vote on parties who can't form government and this is what we get folks.

ohhhhh, fans on the shot ...

Off the boards, passed up ice to tigger, into the zone, past the defenceman, he shoots ...

Keep minority Governments and this will never happen, most of the 1st world governments have forms of Coalition Governments. which means no one party can abuse our system like the liberals and the tory's have for years.

he scores!

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But there are a ton of powers that the governing party can exercise regardless of the will of Parliament (ie. not subject to any vote) in a minority or majority situation, ie. appointing members to the panel that determines "Correctional Service procedures" as in this case.

And the last time I checked, the only party in government that ever reached out to the other parties in a minority situation is the Liberal Party, ie. Pearson in the mid 60's, Trudeau '72-'74, and then Martin in 2005 until the NDP turned their backs for 10 extra seats.

The Conservatives have only used the bulldozer approach in minority governments, ie. everything a confidence vote, you're with us or it's an election.

:::hits five-hole:::

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Stephen Harper is a douchebag and needs to be removed from any lever of power.

This is the same shit we've been getting from them since day 1. Super prisons huh. Just in time for crime to be going down.

Why can't the average Canadian see the parliamentary system for what it is and realize co-operation between parties in coalitions might actually represent the best exercise of democracy?

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