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the Fat Cats kick ass!


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Fuck. I just wrote an extensive "review" of this great night and this computer went absolutley insane and I lost it.

So to sum up:

- BNB were slow to get going but sounded great once they hit their stride. I'll never undrestand the apathy some have for this band, I had someone explain to me through a new song how they didn't like it, they didn't like this, didn't like that, and then they asked me what I thought and I said "I don't know, because we're standing here talking about it rather than listening to it and giving them the attention they deserve!". Somebody else got mad at me for disagreeing with them that BNB aren't as good as they used to be. What's with the past? Here, now, that's what I'm concerned about and what I heard sounded great. Look - let me say this straight out: to my mind, their material, including the newer stuff, is leaps and bounds beyond what other bands currently making the CanJam rounds are producing, and yes, I've heard most of them but they have a ways to go to keep up with these guys, especially in the *song* department. This is of course, just my opinion. These guys are bound to make the ultimate album in intelligent hippie-pop one of these days. Their material is melodic, challenging and well-played, and the jams are unpredictable and inspired. What more do I need??? ANyway - of course, they played "Frankenstein" to end, and off we went to puff away the setbreak....

- The Fat Cats: solid new line-up, you could tell they've been rehearsing. Lots of new material, more mature and sophisticated than before, real growth but still sounding like the Fat Cats - with that holy trinity of inspiration shining through: the Dead, Little Feat and ABB. Seemed like they let the songs flow for a long time, very little pause in the jamming, and there was a "Are You Experienced" in there too. Their new members were confident and pro-active, nothing amateurish too see here. If I could have one wish for these guys, it would be to get them out of Hamilton a bit more so they can present their new band and material to fresh new venues and audiences. I do hope they don't squander what they've got going on right now. I have been told by several different sources that the Fat Cats are playing at Jimmy Jazz in Guelph this Friday night. If they're there, I am too! [big Grin]

Anyway, great to see lots of fine folk. I got pretty sloshy so it's all a bit of a blur but I know I had fun with two of my favorite bands and lots of great friends. Cheers!

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let me say this straight out: to my mind, their material, including the newer stuff, is leaps and bounds beyond what other bands currently making the CanJam rounds are producing, and yes, I've heard most of them but they have a ways to go to keep up with these guys, especially in the *song* department.

hell, i agree so much that i'd just like to quote it again.


let me say this straight out: to my mind, their material, including the newer stuff, is leaps and bounds beyond what other bands currently making the CanJam rounds are producing, and yes, I've heard most of them but they have a ways to go to keep up with these guys, especially in the *song* department.


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To be honest, for the most part something wsa nagging me to be frustrated. i didn't know what it was but upon reflection it was definitely the social aspect of the party.

the social scene was more important to me than the show and next time i'll have to sit a party like that one out.

BNB were good(of course they were good) but I didn't feel the vibe I typically do and I wasn't particularly enticed to make it in for most of the show.

honestly, the BNB set was very bland from my listening point on the patio and i really wanted to want to go in. i didn't feel like going in. sounded cool but it's like the song on the radio that you know is good and you could listen to but just aren't interested in at the time.

Then the fatties came on and I was impressed but didn't particularly feel drawn in. Guess I'm just not on the hippy rock tip as of late. i doubt i'd be able to write a better song right now but next time i have a feeling to stay in my hometown instead of partying with friends I will. I hate having marginal times in other towns. I know you guys likely had a great time so i hate to be a downer but I had a crappy night.

i doubt the music at that show could've helped any even if BNB was at its peak and I were ever a fan of the fat cats.

To be honest, if M and sarahbelle weren't in Hamilton for hallowe'en I'd have left way earlier and likely cried. here's to moe on the 12th!

cheers everyone!

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That's too bad you didn't have a good time Beats. Although it sounds like you were on the patio for most of the time, which was more of the social 'party' area for the night. So I'm surprised you didn't have that great of a time. Maybe it would have been better if you were inside groovin' with the bands? [smile]

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If you thought October was kicking check out what U.F. Productions is bring you this month.

Nov 14th

DJ Logic

w/ Grand Theft Bus

10pm start

@ Pepper Jack's 38 King William st.

Hamilton 905-525-6666




Nov 15th

an evening with

Grand Theft Bus (2 sets)

Stonehenge Lounge

11pm start

194 Dundas St

London, Ontario, Canada

519 850-0077


Nov 21

Hiway Freeker

w/ Friends Of Hefner

@ Pepper Jack's 38 King William st

Hamilton 905-525-6666



Nov 22


Nov 28th

Toronto's Best Kept Secret

King Sunshine

@ Pepper Jack's

38 King William st

Hamilton 905-525-6666



Dec 19th

Nero Xmas

El Mocombo, Toronto

more info to come

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i had a fun time....

i've been thinking about the 'party' at PJC.

Jerry Night, Hux & Seth, Halloween, GTB Hamilton Music Scene, all nights that had rediculous partying...

i think that is one of the best things about PJC. i can go see a band i have no interest in, such as JSB, but still have a great time...

I can also recommend that bar to any of my party loving friends, and not worry that they may not have a good time, because they dont like the music. Everyone likes a party.

And lately, Kenny has really focused on trimming down the excess jamfluff, and booking quality acts...

I thanked him for this. PJC has a lot less watered down bands these days....

I forget where i was going with this....except PJC is my favorite bar ever, and thankfully my friends can make any night a good night.

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I had a wonderful Halloween on Friday night, surrounded by friends and filled with fantastic music from 2 of my all-time favourite bands. I'm not usually big on Halloween parties, as I've been to a few disappointing ones in the past, but this one did not disappoint.

It was unfortunate that Burt got off to a slow start because of sound problems, but once they started playing, it sounded hot to me. I was especially impressed with Mike Filipowitsch's guitar playing. Certain things stand out at shows, and that was one of them for me. I've caught Burt twice since they've been back, and really enjoyed both shows. Hopefully people will give this version of BNB a fair listen before deciding if they like them or not, because they really are a great band, imho.

What can I say about the Fat Cats ... they are the band that drew me into the Canjam music scene. Great songs and a danceable groove. The new lineup sounded really good, and I look forward to the future as the new members get more and more comfortable with the material, and the new songs evolve further. And talk about guitar playing ... Todd Gillies can play ... at one point I was standing beside Mike F. from BNB and he said to me something like "that's the guy that taught me how to play guitar." And Todd Gillies, Chris Gatchne (the other guitar player), and Dave Hill (the bass player) gell so well together musically because they've been playing together for so long. Oh yes ... I loved the harmonica playing from the keyboard player ... that was a real treat and really filled out the sound a few times.

Finally, what put the whole night over the top for me was being able to share it with a bunch of friends. Super special thanks to Willy and Leanne for hosting the pre and post party gatherings ... you two are awesome!!!

Peace, Mark

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i had a good time on the patio but when a bar gets a 15 dollar cover for 2 bands I havne't seen in awhile, I generally have a nagging urge to go insode...but to be honest, the only set I saw anyhting of was the fatties. I dug it but although the set was really good, it didn't really get me going. the music was great and all but like I said...maybe the rock and roll thing just isn't doing it for me anymore.

I had a great time on the patio but why should anyone spend 15 bucks to hang out at pepper jack's with a marginal sounding patio?

thanks for the times guys but hallowe'en didn't leave me feeling mystified this year. it was just unsettling. it'd be find if i were creeped out by it. at least the night would be living up to character. thaks, buys, for playing rockin' tunes...it's not a criticism, just an awkward night. first awkward jamband night I've had in awhile. I think the other one that was anywhere awkward for me was the garcia birthday bash with the huxies, uncle seth and rose garland this past summer.

I dug the bands more that night, and I though the fatties were exploring more(hey...they wrote those songs themselves...) on hallowe'en, I was enticed to check out all the bands.

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