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McCartney in Montreal


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Who's going? Being as curmudgeonly as I am I rarely get that excited for concerts nowadays, but I'm pretty pumped to see one of the world's greatest living Beatles!

Please don't post any recent setlists here, I wanna be surprised!

Hope he plays Let 'Em In, it's been stuck in my head since Blue Skies.

Tomorrow's show should be a great start to my summer vacation, hope to see some of you there.

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As you probably already know, I'll be there. I've checked out some setlists and there are slight variations from night to night. I downloaded a bootleg show from Denver and it sounds great. The show is almost 3 hours long! I don't want to ruin any surprise factor for you, but I'm fairly certain we'll be hearing "Let 'em In".

I'm thrilled to be going to this show!

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I'm a pretty big fan of McCartney though when those tickets went on sale, there wasn't enough money in the coffers to get the tickets that I would need to see him again. My goal is to see him up close, though I could probably see Angela Lansbury up close much easier.


I know I'm running out of time. The concert back in 90/91 at least lets me say that I saw him in concert. But I love what he's doing now.

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Luke, its 1:30 in the morning and I can't sleep because of what I said here. I'm erasing it. I have no right to speak to you the way I did. Sure there are reasons but at bottom...I had no right. It's too easy to get carried away with words on the internett and be so much harsher than I would ever be in person. Believe it or not I...along with so many other folks...believe it or not...care or not...would rather to see you do well. What I said isn't the way to help you in that. I realy am sorry. Its hard when you are being...well the way you can be. I was being a hypocrite speaking to you that way.

Personally..I think I've been on the computer too much and am getting off for a week to breathe in the air and whatever. I humbly suggest that you do the same and let this all fall to the wayside. Trust me its a good idea.

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Whatever man, there's some seriously misplaced bad vibes floating around. I thought I was taking the stuffing out of myself. Jason's just my neighbour seriously we don't talk about music and shit- I've seen him 3 times today it's sort of comedic actually. He seems like a relevant person in Canada to get a take on how the McCartney show was and like I said he and his wife the next day were pleasantly surprised.

I do find it really really laughable though that people think that humility is something that is best judged by someone else. I'm not hiding behind some mental health card I'm taking responsibility for my physical and mental health, I work out often twice a day, take my meds, say my prayers, eat my vitamins, watch what I eat. I'm not sure how we're going over this ground again but by all means spin out the hateful venom. I sense it's amusing for others.

'Judge not, cause while you're judging others someone else is judging you' - Bob Marley

'Just don't judge me by my shoes' - J.R. Robertson

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Sorry I need to go back to this for a second - sorry to belabour the point and not to I guess rank people's misfortunes (which is what I'm about to do) but truly truly truly that fire was really devastating. Truly the worst, I remember it like it was yesterday and how deeply it affected you, Dave, the community (when there was one).

I think that being beaten literally almost to death by very very big inmates, then very big (baton weilding) guards, then finished off by captains to the point that I had blood clots on my brain that induced a seizure - well I'm pretty sure that qualifies as some serious post-traumatic stress. Frankly I'm surprised I haven't offed myself, the memories are fucking horrifying.

Don't you think - and ask yourself this in your heart of hearts- that alot of people think the Old Kung had it coming to him. In which case isn't that sort of like wishing the absolute worst on a person?

Put another way everyone's so upset about how civil liberties were trammeled upon during the G20 when they locked a bunch of hippies in the same little Greenpeace cells but nobody really cares about the day in and day out horrifying abuses that go on inside mental health and penal institutions.

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Sorry Luke.

Some of the shit you have been spewing at folks has been realy stressing me out. Thats where these 'vibes' are coming from. What i said was harsh and spur of the moment and actually made me cry after. That said what I said wasn't tottally uncalled for...in my opinion...just kinda over the top harsh..kinda the style you've been adopting btw.

Do your thing but could you try and stop shitting on people for doing theirs...just a thought.

...backing away slowly now...

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Whatever man, there's some seriously misplaced bad vibes floating around. I thought I was taking the stuffing out of myself. Jason's just my neighbour seriously we don't talk about music and shit- I've seen him 3 times today it's sort of comedic actually. He seems like a relevant person in Canada to get a take on how the McCartney show was and like I said he and his wife the next day were pleasantly surprised.

I do find it really really laughable though that people think that humility is something that is best judged by someone else. I'm not hiding behind some mental health card I'm taking responsibility for my physical and mental health, I work out often twice a day, take my meds, say my prayers, eat my vitamins, watch what I eat. I'm not sure how we're going over this ground again but by all means spin out the hateful venom. I sense it's amusing for others.

'Judge not, cause while you're judging others someone else is judging you' - Bob Marley

'Just don't judge me by my shoes' - J.R. Robertson

edit: its wasted on you, sorry the above post is the right way to go

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You're an 'avatar' man, you're some dude in a crowd. I have no doubt that I may have come off that way. I FUCKING HATED BEING AROUND ALMOST ALL OF THE OTTAWA CREW (you know who you are exceptions to the rule, even if you hated being around me at times). It just seemed so fucking shady and everything you just accused me of. Fuck I was at an afterparty after the Furthur set that the entire crew I was with blacked out at (collectively?) - seriously I've never experienced something like that. It just drove home how The Dead Is Dead, this Scene Is Dead, people have families, and homes and wives and kids and dogs - I get that. It's just not my trip.

I met so many beautiful people in Ottawa just not from this scene. People into learning about new music and open to new types of music (I don't believe that's the case in the 'jamband scene'). I also met a great many musicians I respected and have corresponded with them, and their publicists, management and whatnot since and basically if I wasn't ultra professional and polite I wouldn't get the access that I get.

I don't know what to tell you man - you've got a valid perception from your perspective- I was acutely aware of people recoiling just as I was acutely aware of people at Ween recoiling. The big difference is that I'm actually working - it may not look like it but I am - I'm keeping tabs on a million little details, taking hundreds of photos, trying basically to project a readership that doesn't have the opportunity to be their in the flesh. I guess because I look like some molly gobbling buffoon (mind you I don't know alot of you that wake up at dawn each and every fucking day go straight to the gym, eat like an Olympic athlete etc.) that's what I am. Maybe we're all judging books by their covers.

I don't really much give a shit. Really I don't - I know who my friends are - I know who my family is - I know which bands I believe are important around the globe (and I have a fair amount of statistical evidence based on the very links that you choose or don't choose to click on) and that's really what I'm on about.

I'll give you an example Bear In Heaven didn't go over at Ottawa Bluesfest and from what the guys told me Blitzen Trapper didn't go over at High Sierra. Does that mean two of the most important bands in the world right now, with incredibly prolific songwriters, composers and players are somehow not significant or is it that their performances were lost on the audience?

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"I'm keeping tabs on a million little details, taking hundreds of photos, trying basically to project a readership that doesn't have the opportunity to be their in the flesh."

For someone so articulate and proud of his writing's you would think that he would know that "their" does't always equal "there".

"I'll give you an example Bear In Heaven didn't go over at Ottawa Bluesfest and from what the guys told me Blitzen Trapper didn't go over at High Sierra. Does that mean two of the most important bands in the world right now, with incredibly prolific songwriters, composers and players are somehow not significant or is it that their performances were lost on the audience?"

Two of the most important bands in the world? IS this a fucking joke? Maybe they are to you my friend but the outside world sees a hell of alot more important bands than Blitzen Trapper, and I enjoy their music. Just curious... what makes one band so much more important than another?

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Luke, its 1:30 in the morning and I can't sleep because of what I said here. I'm erasing it. I have no right to speak to you the way I did. Sure there are reasons but at bottom...I had no right. It's too easy to get carried away with words on the internett and be so much harsher than I would ever be in person. Believe it or not I...along with so many other folks...believe it or not...care or not...would rather to see you do well. What I said isn't the way to help you in that. I realy am sorry. Its hard when you are being...well the way you can be. I was being a hypocrite speaking to you that way.

Personally..I think I've been on the computer too much and am getting off for a week to breathe in the air and whatever. I humbly suggest that you do the same and let this all fall to the wayside. Trust me its a good idea.

I'm told that Love is the password.

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Great freakin' show! The show could've been half as long and it would have still been killer. Paul playing Hendrix gave me goosebumps. Just astounding how good this guy can still play/sing/perform though he's pushing 70.

What a great privelidge it was to drive down the road a piece and see the great Paul McCartney.

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