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how would you like to listen to your live concert tonight?


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something jaimoe said in another thread about the kool haus generally sounding bad most nights but pretty good one particular night made me think ... some venues are just better, some worse for sound, some bands have super soundguys, some hired deaf monkeys, and hey, you cant do much about that ... or can you?

1) ear plugs? yes or no. do you wear plugs at all shows, just the loud ones, certain venues? never? or, maybe "what the fuck is wrong with you? why would you ever go to a show to wear fucking earplugs? listen to the music, grandpa or go home!"

and 2) thinking only about sound (not view) where do you like to be at shows? up front? floors? seats? riding the fucking rail?

for me, 1) i have carried disposable foam earplugs for 15 years and worn them almost always when i am up real or even pretty close (where no protection would surely result in ear ringing after the show and maybe even the next morning). i have recently switched to vater earplugs and like them way better. they dont presurize my head and they dont muffle the sound that much. i go to a lot of shows, am concerned about hearing issues and probably wear earplugs at 8/10 shows. or, do you have custom molded earplugs and when do you wear them?

2) in an arena, i like to be between the soundboard and the stage. of course, normally ya dont get to choose that spot because of where your assigned seats are, but on a GA floor that's where i wanna be. and i wanna be on that GA floor most times and not stuck in a seat. but in a club, it's a free for all, so i wanna go up as close as I can get and put the plugs in. :) do you ever go up so close you know you are hurting your ears but its sooo good you cant help it?

so, how would you like to listen to your live concert tonight?

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I don't wear earplugs.

If I want to be up front at shows, I generally go in with the attitude that the sound may be spotty. This hasn't always been the case - The White Stripes at the Amphitheatre in '07 sounded killer in the front section. However, historically, the amphitheatre's dead-sounding zones are in various areas of the 200-300 levels.

I don't think Toronto has many consistent acoustic-friendly mid-sized venues, not including the new Opera House, Queen Elizabeth Theatre and newly renovated Royal Conservatory and Sony Centre.

Standing by the soundboards at clubs and bigger venues is usually a good idea, but even that doesn't always work. I think the Kool Haus is just too cavernous for some some bands to handle.

It's all a crap-shoot.

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I never wear earplugs. I'll probably regret that some day.

Every show I've ever been to sounded great.

I like standing directly in front of people who are shorter than me (which is pretty much everyone).

Ha Ha! Just kidding. I used to like to get right up front, but I'll only do that now if there's room. Generally, I'll situate myself around the soundboard area. I figure that's where you'll find the best sound.

As YATS said, if it's too loud for me, I'll move towards the back. But I have a high threshold of what's loud.

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1) Yes, I already have near 30% loss in my right ear (due to work), so I do wear earplugs, but it depends on the show and venue. A small venue, loud band I wear earplugs, that is if I actually remember to bring them. I don't know what brand they are, but they weren't cheap. Luckily they were covered by my union as they are also for work, I got two sets. All I know is they work great.


  • In a bar, I prefer to be near the back.
  • In a club (Kool Haus size) I also prefer the back of the room
  • In an arena, soundboard area - if I can get it or at least seats facing the stage. Of course, I take what i can get.
  • Ampitheater - I usually take lawns, just because I like it there.
  • If the show is GA I still (for the most part) look for the same spots.

Of course, any of the above can quickly change depending on the band I'm there to see.

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As close to the sound guy as possible will always be the best sound (it's his job to make it good). At a club with a lowered dance floor you'll find that it acts as a bass trap, so there will be more rumble in toes areas.

I've spent 20 years in the live event business and almost never worn ear plugs. I've got 50% hearing loss in my right ear, but thats mostly from feedback in headsets, not concert SPL.

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I have hearing loss from shows and from playing so I try to stay away from speaker stacks the best I can. I generally prefer near the soundboard, but if I can't get there anywhere in the middle will do. I wear earplugs more frequently now - in the past I only used them for Big Sugar and loud shows at Barrymores.

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I habitually circled venues for years to hear what it sounds like all over the place, so ow I find it hard to settle into one spot unless I'm in a seated event.

Earplugs: I should probably wear them at concerts as I find that a lot of sounds in my life drown out voices - sometimes 'quiet' sounds like the refrigerator, coffeemaker, and fans around the house. I don't know why but when i wear plugs at shows I don't yell as much.

http://www.hearos.com/earplugs/music - these are pretty easy to find as well as those Vater drummer's plugs.

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Earplugs when I remember them, but too often I leave them at home when I wish I hadn't.

As for where I like to be, I tend to avoid the front unless it's an intimate or acoustic show. I generally find that having to fight for territory and not having much room is not worth the trade off of being up close, plus I find the sound can be spotty up there. I tend to prefer dead center around the sound board, but I'm always willing to go a little farther back if it means I can enjoy the show without fighting a crowd.

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1) ear plugs? yes or no. do you wear plugs at all shows, just the loud ones, certain venues?

I carry a pair with me, and use them once in a while, usually in clubs with really loud/harsh-sounding bands.

2) thinking only about sound (not view) where do you like to be at shows?

You'll usually find me in the tapers' section.



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