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Keller sounds like Dave Matthews on speed

Guest Low Roller

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Guest Low Roller

At least that's my initial observation after listening to Keller Williams for the first time.

Sure he's innovative in a one-man-band sense, but after listening to a live show (10/18/03), I think that Keller sounds awfully similar to Dave Matthews, but cranked up a couple of rpms.

I fully expect to hear the wrath of the hardcore Keller fans (and possibly an expletive laden response from FreakerByTheSpeaker).


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I'm not going to scream, I'm not going to yell or whine like a little girl...that's Radiohead's schtick...and i would never want to be associated with that group of no talent hacks like that "look at me I'm Thom Yorke and I'm so misunderstood and such a musical god... i sing in a key that only dogs can hear, oh woe as me i think i'll go slit my wrists for my art" You know i to have an opinion Radiohead is nothing more than the British Backstreet Boys that makes about as much sense as comparing talentless Dave Matthews to that of that of one-of-a-kind creative genius KELLER WILLIAMS.....See him live then make up your mind.


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Guest Low Roller

"Do I look like a bitch?"

Sorry dude, dropping the Radiohead card ain't gonna hurt my feelings much. And your expletives are Grade 7 at best.

My opinion stands.

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keller beats dave out in my opinion,, i think tigger was onto something with how they both play prety percussive guitar,, after that theres no comparison,,, do you hear dave flugelling? nope,, how bout dave looping 3 or 4 or 5 different instruments? nope,, keller puts on a way better show then dave and he writes better songs,, i dont really like dave at all. ill take jack johnson or keller over dave ANY and EVERY day of the year.

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The Tooly wrote:

keller beats dave out in my opinion,,

fair enough.

i think tigger was onto something with how they both play prety percussive guitar,,

that's a good point. it's a unique style.

after that theres no comparison,,,

ok then, so let's compare.......

do you hear dave flugelling? nope,,

thank the Lord, no.

how bout dave looping 3 or 4 or 5 different instruments? nope,,

being a solo act against a five-man band, thankfully Dave doesn't feel the need to, but again, thank the Lord, no.

keller puts on a way better show then dave and he writes better songs,,

having only seen Dave, I'll passively take your word on that but I get the feeling, based on the Keller I've heard (not too much) I'm inclined to disagree.

i dont really like dave at all.

oh, ok then...

ill take jack johnson or keller over dave ANY and EVERY day of the year.

Right on.

[Roll Eyes]

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As to songwriting skills, I think Keller has more of an antic, off-the-wall quality to his songs (e.g., "Kidney In A Cooler", or that one about Deer Creek); DMB's songs sound a bit more standard and/or straight-laced than Keller's.

That said, I'm not sure whether Keller could sustain a show larger than, say, a theatre: DMB can put up a big, more spectactular, sound; Keller needs more close attention from concert attendees. Seeing him at something like the Corel Centre (at which I saw DMB in Aug., 2001, a show which they filled up the place [sonically and in terms of attendance] pretty well) wouldn't work as well, I think.



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Originally posted by NewRider:

I don't think he sounds like Dave Matthews at all. For one he doesn't bore the shit out of me.

I'll agree with that.I like Keller,not a fan of DMB,though.

And just like Phish fans,if you say anything but Kellers the greatest, ya get reamed. [Roll Eyes]

But thats just my opinion(I know thats frowned upon here,sorry)

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Originally posted by FreekerByTheSpeaker:

Radiohead's schtick...and i would never want to be associated with that group of no talent hacks like that "look at me I'm Thom Yorke and I'm so misunderstood and such a musical god...

Agree'd dude, Radiohead does suck, Keller stands above em all, he does more with his guitar than a full band can pull off, true talent! Dave Matthews is also a superb player. Those boys give it all and the music is sweet like candy.

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thanks for pickin me apart there marco [Wink]

lets take this to the streets big guy. name the time n place

i like kellers writing POV better then dave,, thast just me,, pick away all u want. i dont like daves sappyass love ballads, i like kellers way of thinking,, way of making songs funny. you ever heard gallivanting? its the most interesting and innovative way to write a song ive heard in years

annnyways,, im gonna go flame esau for not liking phish [Wink]

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Originally posted by Tooly:

annnyways,, im gonna go flame esau for not liking phish

No problems with Phish as a band,just some of the fans who take it so seriously,as I have mentioned a few times.

Actually after listenin to the Grateful Dead cassette I pulled out,I found this cassette and am listening to it now.The Scarlet & Fire covers are great.

Phish 12.01.84 Nectar's, Burlington, VT

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Guest Low Roller

Well summarized Phish Stick.

I was mainly egging on Freeker, because I know that he secretly longs to bare Keller's offspring, but based on the one show of Keller's that I have listened to (which by no means makes me an expert), I noticed a slight resemblence between his voice and DM's. So sue me.

But calling Radiohead "the British Backstreet Boys"? That hurt man.... That really hurt. [Frown]

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not having heard a lot of keller, but having heard enough to feel like i can form an opinion, i'd have to say he's interesting at best. not always my cup of tea, but whatever, he's *interesting*. dmb, however, i think have some talent, but i think its more a factor of that great sloan line "its not the band i hate, its the fans"...and yes folks, that is a STEREOTYPE...not ALL dmb fans are the same, but to be honest, i cant really get into the whole Collegiate Dawson's Creek episode watching in touch with being phony non real life kinda thing, and its unfortunate that that is the impression i get from dmb, because i do think they are talented players.

i gotta agree with pootie about jack johnson. boring as all hell. just cant get into it. i feel the same way about ben harper. and i wont even respond to anyone slamming me for that. fuck that. they're boring as fuck. and the only time people get right off for ben is when he's singing about "burning one down". gimme a fuckin break. you gotta sing about smoking a fucking joint to grab a shitload of weak minded uncreative clones for fans...again, a STEREOTYPE, but lets remember, stereotypes only exist because enough people exist to be classified a stereotype, im not necessarily talking about YOU.....but i might be. hahahaha. like i said, go for it, but i aint responding, so you're wasting your breath...errrr, fingers...hahaha.

and freeker, dude, c'mon. radiohead a group of no-talent hacks? oh man. im not a big radiohead fan, infact i really dislike their new album with a strong passion......but i still feel real sorry for you. no talent hacks, eh? if only you knew.....

my opinion folks. read 'em and weep....

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I would like to say one thing (rare, I know [Wink] ) Where in the hell did everyone suddenly get the idea that this forum was about music and the mature sharing of ideas and opinions?

I have noticed (and i'm sure i'm not the only one) that since the olden days (PHish Sanctuary) that this place of congress has gotten a little away from its primary intended purpose, that being, somewhere where we could all get away from the bullshit of other boards that were completly out of control (r u a Phan?) Please forgive me all if i assume too much. The last month or so of brutal hostility and outright haste of thought has seemed to have brought on musical discussion. WHY? I have no idea. Perhaps the cathartic muse of Rush music and THAT one word slogan has brought upon us an enlightened state whereby those who really care and give a damn have forgone the hostility and gotten back to what had brought us together in the first place.


I have a theory, and I would love some feedback on this thought. The Festival has taken over all that is good. Gone are the days of multiple dates in your nearby city, here are the days of travelling 8 hours and staying for three days. Our spice is deminishing. Instead of planning our summers over numerous shows by numerous bands, we horde our money and go for the gusto. Suddenly we the Ontarians (and this happens every year) have been inandated with so many shows over the past little while that we have little else to talk about, although more so now than ever.

Rant over.

This brings me to the topic at hand. I like DMB. Why you ask? They are a professional band, period. The lyrics are pure, the music is one of a kind and Dave's voice has only gotten stonger and stronger since their inception. They evolve over every album, be it bad or good, and are constantly exploring new sounds and avenues. Granted they have tapped into the 'teeny bopper' market, but so what? Lets try and forget some of the artists that 'tapped' into our parents heads shall we (Zepellin, Doors, Who, Beatles, Airplane, Zappa, Hendrix..... ALL mainstream)

Keller Williams is one of a kind, and so is every song that he writes. Some are brilliant and some are redundant. Big deal (Iko Iko, Women Are Smarter). Like what you like, love what you love and preach that shit from the mountain top people because I like what i'm hearing.....AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE.


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completely agree with schwa on this one...

there is something pure about dave's lyrics, reminds me of tom petty actually, just both have a knack for turning complex feelings into simple words. keller rocks too. as for the crowd base...who cares?...unless of course it would ruin your reputation to drive around on a hot summer day with dmb playing [smile] . Just to ask, were any of the ottawa skanks at dmb at barrymores?

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I caught a DMB show at Plaza of the nations,Vancouver 05.13.98(why do I recall?..because I have the Dylan show right here in front of me from the same day),we stayed for about half the first set,then jumped next door for Dylan at the Rage,as I said I find him boring,but talented? yes of course,I would be a fool to say he wasnt.

Jack I like,but havent heard enough to make a solid judgement,Keller..well I have a few shows,a few VCD's and whatnot and I like what he does,as for being a better musician...who knows,I just like his music better.

To comment on what Sheikyerbouti said(and In know you say you wont reply...so be it,this isnt directed even near you,so dont worry)I like BH,just about all his shit,big fan of Will to live myself,wish i could have caught him while he was in TO,but alas work dictates my life sometimes,but I find some of the shows he has done a bit chessey,he plays alot of the tunes I have grown to dislike I guess,due to the whole thats all you freakin here from people,but again I like BH and I think he smokes also,just got to stop playing for the school kids,but that my opinion.

As for radiohead,well what I have heard I like to an extend,I myself need to be in that depressed,mellow,sullen state of mind to appreciate them,but I do like em at times,their a band I obviously have to be in the right mind for.And need to hear more to make any sort of an informed opinion on them.

The bands mentioned have talent in my opinion,just I prefer some more than others,certianly cant like or love it all,just nothers me when folks take another persons comments so to heart,especially when its not directed at anyone,but instead one persons thoughts....and thanks for the PM buddy,makes my day to get crap like that.(You know who you are),yep,I dislike some Phish fans,just like some GD fans,Dylan fans...shall I continue?

Anyway I am ramblin,but thought I should clarify my stand,since my first post was vague to say the least.

Like what you want...respect what others like or dislike and especially their thoughts about it.

my two cents.

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One more thing actually...isn't it alot better to read WHAT folks dislike about a band then just to read that they "suck"? I know if someone doesnt like GD I would rather read what they dislike or hate about them instead of mindless crap like that,makes it alot more easier to understand whats goin on.

NOTE:To the ultra sensitive folks here,I ONLY mean when someones review consists of "They suck"...not anything else so please relax or grow up which ever you prefer.

Hmmm,loads of ramblin from me this eve...this AK is better the I thought I guess. [big Grin][Razz]

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