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The last day of August


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Though the summer was packed with fun and adventure, it still seems like there should be lots of summer left, doesn't it?

It feels like maybe two weeks ago we were gearing up for Jazz Fest. Where, oh where does all the time go?

Like beach sand through the hourglass of eternity, these were the summer days of our lives.

And no fall tour this year.


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The last day of August

It feels like maybe two weeks ago
trickling through the hourglass in sand
Where, oh where does the time go
geared up to listen to jazz bands

Though the summer was packed full with fun
how quickly it all passes with age.
Still it seems the adventure shouldn't be done,
and there's still room to write on the page.

the hourglass of eternity
fades into the distance
summertime passes more quickly
though in this instance

no fall tour this year,
salvo of pizza and beer.

Edited by Davey Boy 2.0
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