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Bands in Ottawa this saturday


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Originally posted by larry jr.:

Don't make me start my own jamband people! (to perhaps be named Larry's Kosher Lard Fest)


You start it, I'll join up. I would guess the band wouldn't do Friday night gigs? Maybe we could do Phish & Dead covers, but in a klezmer style?

And wouldn't the name confuse fans of the KLF? ("Ancients of MUuuuu...") Mind you, that might help garner publicity...



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use up some of those air miles and fly down to hamilton

Wed. ~ that jazzy band from out west at PJC

Wed. ~ Brian Griffith Band (crazy great players)

Thurs. ~ Doug Feaver - acoustic Dead, Neil Young, Bob Marley, killer originals

Fri. ~ Hiway Freeker w/ Friends of Hefner

Fri. ~ Chris Briscoe's Acid Funk Factory

Sat. ~ Fat Cats w/ Diesel Dog

Sat. ~ Hiway Freeker w/ Spincycle (Toronto - 40 min. drive)

all thats without even looking for something to do

opposite problem down here... half your friends are going to this show or that and you want to see it all... and your weekly live music budget is about $250

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Brad, you've raised so many issues that I might have to call off the whole project, though I've already written a pretty mean disco-funk-klezmer version of "Dreidel dreidel dreidel," so joke's on Roller. I'm just looking for someone to add an accordian line.

How come Toronto's disenfranchised younger brother, aka Hamilton (no offense Paisley), is getting so much music? We're like, the freakin capital man! And how come I have no air miles? I've been getting high and travelling all over the place for years. Friggin system.

Sunshine, Ottawa was getting a bunch of good shows last year, but that was especially when we had a regular jamband Thursdays at Cafe Dekcuf. They cancelled that because turnout started to suck during the summer when all the students were gone (my theory anyway). Of course, the bluesfest and jazzfest we had in the summer were awesome, and we still get some good acts here and there (like Moe, holy crap they should come back tomorrow), but all you need to do is check out the schedule for Ottawa in the "JamEvents" section and you realize how bad we're hurtin.

Hiway Freeker is skipping Ottawa! What's become of us? Is it because of all that produce I would throw at the bands to make things more colourful and tasty?

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Originally posted by Booche:

All your answers would be solved Larry David, if I were able to post a pic I took at the Dekcuf this past summer, when Diesel Dog played (after WisconSIN)...............

It was about midnight, and I was able to catch everyone in the bar in the shot.

Man, I totally have some fuzzy memories of that show, and I distinctly remember Diesel Dog rocking. Maybe Wisconsin scared everyone away? Jeebus, I thought I would have to leave. Perhaps you had the biggest wide angle lens in the world?

Dekcuf is pretty small? [Frown]

If only I could have drunk more so the bar could make more money. Damn my moderation! Damn it to hell!

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How come Toronto's disenfranchised younger brother, aka Hamilton (no offense Paisley), is getting so much music?

no offense taken larry jr... a main reason is just that... people overlook Hamilton as a factory town because thats what you see from the QEW so we get to remain a hidden secret... I've lived in Torona but would never take it over here... friendly, small town here with loads of culture... and trees... we've been able to go out and see great live music every day of the week here for the past 15 years (albiet, sometimes only if you know where to look)

~ rent and cost of living is cheap for musicians and artists

~ its not as competitive as Toronto for musicians and artists

~ musicians and artists love to go see new live music, thereby drawing traveling bands to town

~ lots of good clubs in town

~ we know how to party here! [Wink]

I actually don't know exactly... The Casbah just reopened which means we'll have even more goin on

outside of our scene have a look at this club's coming line-up:

The Underground

carpool down for the weekend

looking forward to checking out ottawa sometime soon, if only to harrass politicians... and I dig some of the crazy kids from out that way

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"outside of our scene have a look at this club's coming line-up:"

I clicked on the link and the first thing I see is the poster for "Nashville Pussy." I'm so there! [big Grin]

I was just kidding of course about Hamilton. I've actually heard good things from a few folks and I don't think I've ever hung out in the city at all. Kind of a travesty...I'll definitely have to come out there some time. Sounds like a good scene with all kinds of variety.

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[Mad] (kiddin)

whistle a celtic ditty for me while yer waitin [Wink]

Nashville Pussy - "Get Yr Hard-On Rock-On!"

if you like things in that groove check out White Cowbell Oklahoma as well... wet t-shirt contest finale with all the band chewing cigars sipping whiskey and shooting girls in t-shirts on stage with squirt-gun rifles... high culture to be sure

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There's lot's of good live music in Ottawa if you know where to look! Thursday nights at Irene's with David Wiffen, Monday nights with Megan Jerome trio (w/ Mike Essoudry and Petr Cancurra), and Tuesday nights with Jane Radmore, at 107 4th Ave. (new venue). There used to be great jazz every Wednesday at Irenes. Actually, Brian Browne just started doing a weekly jazz gig that is way worth checking out - I'll post that when I get it. Of course there's Raggamuffin Thursdays. And that doesn't even touch Rasputins.

I'm gonna post that 107 4th in it's own thread.

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It's funny how people on this board continue to get the impression that Ottawa has a great music scene (in this genre, and beyond).

We have a long list of problems here in O-town ... no venues that actually have a regular clientèle, no venues that feel that bands are worth paying anything beyond cover charge, local bands can't draw (unless your name is nero [Wink] ), up-and-coming touring bands can't draw, etc, etc...

Thankfully we've reached a population size where we do get occasional visits from bigger name acts (Allman's, MMW, moe. and so on).

Now, I haven't been out to see anything outside the jam/jazz/rock thing in a while, can anyone lend some insight - Who/what does well in Ottawa?

DJs seem to do well (just try getting in to see a NinjaTune artist at Babylon).

Punk draws well (see above for an all ages show).

Celtic? (also see above)

I've theorized over Ottawa's indifference to live music for years. I'm tired. Anybody else have a postulation?

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Originally posted by larry jr.:

Brad, you've raised so many issues that I might have to call off the whole project, though I've already written a pretty mean disco-funk-klezmer version of "Dreidel dreidel dreidel," so joke's on Roller. I'm just looking for someone to add an accordian line.

Try contacting Accordian Guy. Tell him Dr. Whom sent ya.

Actually, I may have second thoughts about joining your (un?)"orthodox" jamband...I had nightmares last night about the kind of "rituals" one might have to endure upon joining it... [Eek!]


Hiway Freeker is skipping Ottawa! What's become of us? Is it because of all that produce I would throw at the bands to make things more colourful and tasty?

No, it's probably because there were only 12 people at Dekcuf the last time they played here. [Frown] As much as I like HF, I think I understand why we're not on this tour: they've been here quite a few times, and haven't been able to build up more than a small fan base; I guess they decided to lump us into the "losing proposition" category this time 'round. For a band to show up in a city for the first time and get a small crowd is one thing; that's how you start building support. To keep on doing it is not a great way to manage a career.

As nice a venue as Dekcuf is, it has a few limitations: walk-in traffic is minimal, due to it being outside the core of the Byward Market and being an upstairs bar to boot, and it doesn't promote itself very well (I don't think I've seen it advertire in the Xpress more than once or twice). If it were down where the Dominion or Zaphod's are, at street level, and invested in some promition, I'm sure jamband shows there would be much more popular, and much more of an ongoing concern. As it stands, Dekcuf seems to be more into putting on several-bands-for-several-bucks shows, with bands that are more in the fuzz-rock vein than improvised-funky vein. (I was there on Nov. 7 for Vanderpark, w/ Face The Radio and 12:34, and it was pretty packed. Vanderpark was OK, but the other bands, especially FTR were, uh, not great...)



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I did notice the Deckuf with an ad in xpress for a while there, but they seemed to use the space to promote DJ sundays and open Jam Tuesdays without even mentioning their regular jamband thursdays.

Maybe it's time to cull that list of Ottawa venues from the other thread and start soliciting!

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Hey! Sunshine's comin to town! great news!

.....as for the Ottawa scene, I've been pondering this one lately.....

We had lots of shows there for awhile, with ourselves (me, Bouche, etc..) doing the regular Thursday Dekcuf stuff, and Beamish doing his thing, and there were some good, well-attended shows in there. Unfortunately the Dekcuf thing ended due to lack of growth, and Brad has some other things to tend to these days, so I believe we're in a little bit of an impasse right now.....

I can say that I'm ready to jump back into the game, and Pottie and I are looking for a new venue to do some local stuff....

Which I think is part of the problem in Ottawa......our venues, or lack thereof. I've seen quite a few small-time jamband shows in TO lately, and the thing I've noticed is, there are SOOOOO many SMALL venues in TO that bars are happy with a couple bands bringing in any size crowds (50ish or less) on almost any night of the week/weekend.

Whereas in Ottawa, obviously a far smaller market, the bars that have bands are so few, that it only makes sense that they bring in music that will make them the most cash...ie. they have a choice, the jamband and the 65 hippies, or 3 grunge bands and 150 of their friends...

What I think we need to find is a small pub/bar that will allow regular weekend nights, and basically has nothing to lose, ie. there's noone in here on a Friday anyways, so if a band brings in 5 extra people it'll be good for them....anyone have any ideas or wanna help???

Ottawa has a big reputation as we're a small but spirited group, or in Booche's case - loud, and while you'll see the whole O-town gang of crazies out at certain big shows....there's just not enough of us to fill Dekcuf every week....that's reality.

So I think we need a small place that will be happy with a small but spirited crowd....I'm not so sure about a weekly gig, but I do think jamshows with some regularity are what's needed to grow a scene....Dekcuf just didn't work out....

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The thing that I find so frustrating is that there IS a base of fans here. Brad and I would talk about this at certain shows. Remember when Wassabi played Dekcuf, or that Slowcoaster band from out east? The place was packed! Somehow people knew about those shows and went...

I think a major problem has been publicity. If Moe can pack Barrymore's, more or less, no way you can tell me that people who dig Moe wouldn't dig Hiway Freeker, Diesel Dog, or the rest (nevermind for freakin $5 or so).

It's a bloody shame is all. I guess Dekcuf wasn't the greatest venue, location wise (the upstairs thing) or publicity wise, but I refuse to believe that we can't get 50 people out on a pretty regular basis to catch some good live tunage.

How and where is the tough part.

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