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Anyone up on the law?


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Ok, so I have been thinkin I have to attend court on fri.Nov.28....and its for drivin while under suspension.

Anyway I pull out the ticket and promise to appear and it says I am to attend court on fri.Nov.26th!?!

Any thoughts on what to do here?

I cannot afford to miss two days of work,but I also cannot afford to have a bench warrant for not showing,I recall as a teen hearing that tickets like this can be thrown out..any truth to that?


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My suggestion would be to see if you are on the docket. You might be able to call in the morning and ask, or you can swing by bright and early.

In hamilton they probably have traffic court every day, however I know in Simcoe its only once a week. My gut feeling is that if there was one day a week they didn't sit it'd be Friday. So I'd bank on tomorrow being the day.

Not sure if you can get it thrown out on that, but I'd bet you could get a remand to retain a lawyer.

Come to think of it, I think there are statutes that say they can correct stuff like that. If it was the wrong name or something maybe, but a date likely just buys time.

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Hey thanks,

Talked to a lawyer,dont have one myself,Can't afford one and turned down by legal aid,but he was more about getting me as a client and gettin a remand...talked to central and they figured that the date is what to go by not the day.

Looks like a PD is my only option.

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This may seem obvious, but check every single detail on the ticket to make sure that it is completely accurate - the spelling of your name, your driver's license number, the date, car's make, model and license plate number... everything.

I once had a speeding ticket thrown out because the cop forgot to put the date on it (good thing, too - it was for doing 105 km/hr in a 60 km/hr zone... on my own street.)

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I did that fine-tooth-comb inspection on my speeding ticket and sure enough, my birthdate was wrong.

I was told that any errors would squash the ticket. However, after visiting the Perth town hall, I was told that little details like that do not really matter. The officer would just move for an ammendment.

However, if the officer cited the Highway Traffic Act wrongly, it would probably kill the ticket.

I'd like to see a list of the things to look for.

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I went to traffic court one time and was all prepared to tell my reason for why I was not guilty. I didn't even say one word and it was thrown out. The ticket was for ignoring a traffic sign. The tickets did not say which particular one I ignored. NICE and easy.

I hope it goes that well for you my Esau friend. My thoughts are with you. Give them a call today to make good and sure tomorrow is your appearance date before missing work and money.

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