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My friday morning funny...


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So I'm sitting at my desk this morning minding my own business, when one of the HR ladies walks by. (she's in her 50's, and I've only spoken to her a couple of times). She stops by my desk and points out a nearby plant and remarks how it looks an awful lot like a marijuana plant, and laughs. Then she's like, I got this joke that I *have* to send you!! She forwards me the link to that cbc monday report video... too funny... man is it that obvious? My cover is blown!

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Let me guess: she had just come back inside from stepping out for a "smoke break"... :-)

Also, what kind of plant is it? I'm assuming it's not actually marijuana, so I'm wondering what it is that would look so much like to make her say that. (My cubicle is plant-free, so if I ever get around to foliating it, I need some suggestions as to what plants to plant.)



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Hey Brad, You need to get on the plant train. Not only does it breathe some life into your work environment it gives people something to talk about.

The absolute easiest is a spider plant. They like some sunlight but don't need a window. They grow like crazy, and you can make cuttings and repot them and give them to your co-workers. My original plant has 6 offspring in other cubicles over here.

Just make sure it gets watered regularly, if you're working in an overheated and dry office building.

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plants that hold a lot of water are great. cactus, jades, and rubber plants, etc... you can forget to water them for months, they dont need any direct light. plus, you can name them... these are mine: robert (plant), jadé, p.c. (peniscactus), etc... fun!

my cover at school has been blown for weeks, ever since i polluted our potluck with potfood. mmm...

headiest g.i.s. president ever [smile]

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Originally posted by ahess6488:

The absolute easiest is a spider plant. They like some sunlight but don't need a window. They grow like crazy, and you can make cuttings and repot them and give them to your co-workers. My original plant has 6 offspring in other cubicles over here.

Agreed. These things grow like wildfire.

Still... I winder just what type of plant is sitting next to cyberhippie? C'mon, dish!!

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I have no idea what the plant is called, I've seen it around a lot though, in offices. It's got thin stalks kinda like a weed plant, and has like 7 leafs. Looks a little like this:


Another great plant for office and home is the Philodendron. It doesn't need a lot of light, or water. You can't kill the things, and you can also take clippings to start new ones.

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Originally posted by CyberHippie:

hehe, in response I sent her a picture of that baby toking, and her response was, "that's hilarious Trevor. I can see that we are going to be joke buddies now!"


You sure she said "joke", and not something rhymes with joke? :-)



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