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Who likes Jambands?


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if the songs aren't there then there might as well not be a song...total improvisation works...

I find that a lot of jambands seem to be more concerned with the art of jamming than they are with the art of composition...(creating the kernel of truth...the seed from which to jam from)..I notice this a fair bit...cart before the horse sort of thing....this maybe why this thread has attracted such a response...

I think that if a band is really talented (ie: Phish) but isn't concerned enough with composition skills to write songs that are accessible and/or meaningful and truly original (Phish)then they could either play completely improvised music...( no preconceived notion of the composition...pure jam...which would be really cool...no pectin)...or play covers(songs that they can really get behind (ie: Phish or Paul Schaeffer's band)......

here's an example... if a freestyling hip hop artist has nothing to say it might be better for them and their audience to just scat percussive syllables until he comes up with something than to prattle on unintelligibly...if the words don't mean much why say them...if the songwriting is just a vehicle for jamming and doesn't stand tall enough on it's own then why play that song...just play the riff/theme that you want to jam from...

I figure that if it's have baked keep it in the oven til it's done...thanks for reading my thoughts....Jim

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I'm sorry, I don't chime in here too often, but I think this is, as good time as any, to set the record straight on "kung" and the official reasons behind his pathetic personal dislike of SCI.

First of all, does anyone on here even realize "kung" has never witnessed the band LIVE. Anyone and their mother can dis-like SCI for countless different reasons, whether correct or not,(I'm all about personal taste) but to read this SHIT from someone who actually hasn't even caught them LIVE is TRULLY PATHETIC.

"kung" has this megalomaniacal (look it up)view of a band he's never caught LIVE. It's a truly sad state of affairs. Oh wait,in Oct during SCI's T.O play he painfully came looking for a ticket at the last minute "For Free" of course,but nonetheless painful to read.....Check it out back in Oct...Truly a fuckin sad sight after all the bashing.....

Anyway back to the real reason "kung" dislikes SCI as much as he does, and the great word "megalomaniacal" (again look it up) GREAT WORD. Anyway "kung and his megamaniacal headspace to this day thinks it had to do with the wonderful and truly exceptional woman,Carrie Lombardi at Madison House Publicity. I was the one who officially pullled his comp ticket to SCI Vancouver based solely on the fact that he called me directly and asked for comps to The Slip aftershow in Vancouver after SCI and I told him "We don't comp tickets to $8.00 shows. IMO that's like asking to front girl guide cookies. Anyway he blabbered on that he was this writer already on the "List" for SCI and was trying to score some more FREE TIX to round out his trip to the west coast. It probably cost him more in long distance charges than the actual Slip ticket he pursued. Painful.

It was sad but unfortunately it happens all the time from jokers like "kung" and it doesn't really faze me anymore....Lots O people like that out there !!!

Sorry for rambling on here, I'm getting to the meat of this story now....So "kung" already has his 1 comp to the SCI show and then comes on here, his little space where the megalomania runs rampant and states something along the lines like " I already have press pass and backstage passes for SCI but I'm really going to Vancouver for the Slip. Well I full well know the guy doesn't have Backstage Passes beacause I'm the one who gives them out and why is this "press person" so unprofessionally bullshitting everyone on a "message board" of all places and LYING about having backstage passes. I then contacted Carrie and asked if she was the one who gave him a comp to the show and she said that "kung" "luke" whatever, gave her this song and dance about being a writer and that he would cover the show in Vancouver. An obvious ploy to get freebies like many people in this industry, we have a name for them and it actually rhymes with kung as fitting as that is.....So to make a long story short, nobody from "america was reading this site "kung" as you megalomanically assumed, it was litle ol me, a hard working music lover with a passion for fun and not much time to waste yammering on boards like some know-it all, just because you have a way with words....

One more thing not only did you BULLSHIT then, you are BULLSHITTING NOW when you said that you were giving valuable advice on west coast press possibilities and info for promotion. I'd already done SCI 8 times in this Kick ass City and have slightly more knowledge than some fuckin articulate freeloadin loser from out east. Drop this topic and move on......Like SCI or not who really cares but it does come across better when you can actually make an informed opinion and have ACTUALLY caught the band LIVE......My 2 cents.

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my thoughts of the jamband scene are as follows...

The Grateful Dead is the head of the family, and during the sixties/seventies there was a big family, some immediate family members, and some distant family members... and today we are seeing the children of the Dead... bands that jam, and have the same sort of music philosophy, as in, accessibility, as in playing incredible amounts of shows, as in, shying away from the recording mainstream, as in embracing the pyschedelic experience... anyways, there are bands that were formed solely for that purpose, and there are others that are experimenting with that genre... anyways, that is how I see, some intimate family, and some extended family...I guess you could say, THE STRING CHEESE INCIDENT is the blacksheep of the intimate family...hehe.

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So that sounds like a pretty plausible account of what went down with the passes. Obviously Deke (Derek Arrowsmith of Upstream Entertainment) felt very strongly he needed to clear the air. Of course he’s never come forward before to admit that he’s the one who pulled them (I always suspected this to be the case) so it’s not surprising I took the information I was given. I think it’s clear that this is meant to embarrass or shame me (successful) and is done in as mean a fashion as possible. Some would say that I am mean spirited as well but I think you can detect a fine line there between a wrestling style villain persona (kung) and someone who is by most accounts an actual prick (Deke). So for the record I feel really cheesy in hindsight about one thing, that I tried to hook passes to the Slip show. I was majorly broke and couldn’t afford the trip in the first place and made a bad judgement call. I have enough actually important things to get ashamed of then to get bogged down in this. As to the accusation of megalomania there is probably truth to that as well, definitely mania whether you call it megalo or ego is your choice. I also have a good heart and a good spirit and most bands and fans appreciate me for that reason (and often comp me for the same reason). I can only say that when I spouted off about those passes I just couldn’t resist. I had engineered the whole situation and really found it so bizarre that I was willing to travel across the country for a band I disliked so strongly. I had a strong sense it would all blow up in my face then and still pushed the envelope. Of course again in Deke’s account it was my lack of ‘professionalism’ not comments about colonic health that led to this which may in fact be the case although it’s suspect to me that everyone insists vehemently it had nothing to do with the content of my words. No I really do hate the Cheese on a sheer musical basis, no I haven’t seen them, no I don’t care to (and why should you care admittedly). Some will say I just got a taste of my own medicine. Others will detect the fine line I mentioned between heated banter and hurtful attack. My capacity for language is in many ways everything I am as a human, reducing that in the fashion that Deke has is meant to be degrading and to shut me up through shame. It was almost successful.

(And yes if you've read something about ass play, or my cheese loving it's pretty safe to assume someone shanghai'd my identity. On the monkeyman score my lips are sealed)

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poor kung...too close to home...

I guess that creative writing seems too real...

i hope you don't go away, kung...but keep in mind that if you're writing things like they're facts then they should be as such.

i don't need to smell bullshit when i'm not driving by a farmer's field but it's nice to read somehtng a bit fun here and there.

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unbelievable. i cant believe i just read all 162 posts.

i stayed away from this thread from the getgo, thinking it was going to get too crazy and somewhat childish.

i was right.

it amazes me how people can be absolutely relentless in a pointless situation.

if you dont want to hear someone bash a band, STOP ASKING THEM WHY THEY DONT LIKE THAT BAND!! if someone tells you they simply do not like a band, with conviction and outright refusal, STOP PUSHING THAT BAND ON THEM!!

its really a shame that a representative from a "professional" entertainment organization would take such "unprofessional" steps to take someone down, citing professional reasons, and in the end hurting the merits of their own professionalism.

and i dont think the original topic was ever really discussed. it had transformed itself by the end of the first page...probably before that.

it was all just verbal rape.

i hope this thread is dead.

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