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I think my eye might fly out of my head...


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The last few months, whenever I blow my nose, I feel an awful lot of pressure behind my right eye - it's like if I just pushed harder, it would come flying out. I've taken to holding my fingers against my eye when I blow my nose, which I'm doing constantly right now, as I've got a wicked cold.

Ummm... anyone ever had this happen before? [Confused] (not the eye actually flying out of your head, but the sensation that it could very easily happen...)

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Originally posted by Sheikyerbouti:

dude, i know exactly what you're talking about...i get that once in a while when i blow my nose, cold or no cold....sometimes i can even feel air come out of my eye sockets...thats really fuckin weird.

So... your eye hasn't popped out of your head yet? I mean, I'm 95% sure that it just won't happen, but the idea of it happening kind of freaks me out, which probably makes it seem - to my paranoid little mind - that much more likely.

Glad it's not just me...

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