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Funny pic of the day 03-12-04


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That's great! Yesterday I spoke my mind when some stupid lady threw a bag of trash out on the road at a stop light.

So I jumped out of my car, grabbed the bag shook it at her and yelled "WHY?" , she simply ignored me...I thought about tapping on her window but then I got scared she might attack. So I took the garbage to my car and threw it out later.

People are so dumb sometimes! It felt great to speak my mind though! [big Grin] And that's my little story...bye, bye

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i hate people who litter too [Mad]

hey people...if you smoke...use a fuckin ashtray....i can't stand it when people smoke outside the office here (or anywhere) and are standing right next to a butt stop thing and throw their butt on the ground. [Mad][Mad][Mad]

even at festivals...use a pop/beer can or something....i hate sitting down on the grass during setbreak and putting my hands all over butts...and the majority of you smokers are guilty....fuckin assholes!!! [Mad]

...happy place...calm blue ocean...

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learned my lesson back when I was 17 and knew everything about the world... driving to the CNE and stuck dead in traffic, all stoned, thought "what the hell" and tossed my empty pop can out the window

half a minute later the pop can lands lightly back in my lap... suprised I turn to look and see some dad with his kid walking along and the dad has a big smile on his face, my friends howled

its good to be made to look stupid if you're being stupid

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Originally posted by Chewie:

even at festivals...use a pop/beer can or something.... smokers!!!

...happy place...calm blue ocean...

we were organizing a contingent to bring coffee tins and hammers and nails up to Frontier Town just before its demise as a festival location... one nail in a tree or wall that comes out at the end of a weekend is much better than ??? packs of butts all over the ground


guilty smoker (reforming)

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Originally posted by questcequecest?:

[qb] if you smoke...use a fuckin ashtray

indeed. when you're driving too, dumbass!

hey qqc, i agree...it's right there...use it! but the most ignorant thing i've seen people do...dump their ashtrays at stop lights/signs...

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i am no longer a slave to tobacco! i don't normally endorse the self help genre of books but i have tried to quit a couple of times before. this time i used "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking", to be honest, it was a whole lot easier. the book is only ten bucks and it is available at most chapter's, cole's or indigo. all it tells you to do is some orwellian double think and boom, you don't want to smoke anymore. and the best part is, you smoke all through the book as much as you want. you don't even half to read the book all at once. do it your own way. the only negative thing i have to say is that it is as boring as whale shit. i kept falling asleep reading it. but maybe that had some sort of hypnotic effect, i don't know.

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