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Everything posted by bouche

  1. We got a Sushi kit over xmas and I've been wondering where in the hell we should buy fish in Ottawa, and how to go about the purchasing process? Anyone know?
  2. have you had a chimichanga? I think they're pretty gross.
  3. when did they decide to make that guy jack's brother?
  4. Sir George M. definitely had a major role in the remix. I can also recall the article Kanada Kev is referring to, but I can't find it either. I did find this one
  5. If you are 4 episodes behind, this torrent is only 1.2 gigs. YOu could have it in a couple of hours, then you need to watch it. That'll probably then take another 3 hours without commercials. TOTALLY Doable.
  6. I was just starting out with chips. They came out thicker than I wanted. I need to practice more.
  7. Hey.... 1999 called and they want their trivia back!
  8. And now for you Beatle fans. Have you ever heard the Beatles when they were pretty sucky? Here's a version of I Saw Her Standing There - Live at the Cavern
  9. that's much better than the Trey Trash. I thought I'd add a dancey tune for LJFH and Lynnie. Jungle Love. check the Prince solo in the last quarter.
  10. i would have liked to go there tonight. however, last weekend stole all of my energy. oh, the power of nero. I hope to read about it and maybe even see some photos of both bands.
  11. Has anyone made their own corn tortillas before? I picked up a tortilla press for 18 bucks at the latin shop on somerset. I've had the Masa Farina corn flour for a little while now, hoping to make tortillas one day. I'm basically using this as a guide.
  12. the 5.1 mix is really intense. there were a lot of surprises in the mix. I think that track 10 (Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite!/I Want You (She's So Heavy)/Helter Skelter) may be my favourite at the moment. George Martin is a genius!
  13. jambase whatcha doing in So Cal?
  14. wow. what a fuckin' treat! I hope more musicians take this cue to help raise awareness AND money for music in students.
  15. It was only a two-year absence: 2005 and 2006. (Yes, 2007 - 2004 is 3, but they played until the end of 2004, and played again at just into 2007, so 2005 and 2006 were the only years they weren't playing as a group.) Aloha, Brad The detail is incredible however we are missing the equations. Don't forget to include the math that explains the result.
  16. Sorry, I'm going to find a way to merge your review to this thread. There is really so much to 'talk' about with this release. I am shocked at how fantastic the five one mix is. It made our dog Abbey stick her head in the subwoofer hole
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