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Everything posted by bouche

  1. bouche

    Bluesfest 2013

    Are cigarettes any different than lawn chairs? Those aren't banned, but I think they could disallow people from bringing lawn chairs on-site. If they did, I don't think they could do much about it if someone managed to bring in a lawn chair and then sit on it.
  2. bouche

    Bluesfest 2013

    It looks very much like a Bluesfest reunion and a chance to see previously missed performers. I missed Rush and surely The Hip the last time. I'm sure I'll miss the dixie chicks this time.
  3. yeah, that's what I was thinking. Pretty tame in comparison to what was being presented at bluesfest by LMFAO or Snoop Dog.
  4. bouche

    For Star Wars fans

    oh...so the Yoda classes at the gyms aren't what I thought they were?
  5. bouche

    Bluesfest 2013

    Bluesfest aiming to please (for the sake of money) I do love this quote - "Younger people are less critical of things they don’t like,” said Monahan puullllleeeease.
  6. They might as well try and own the numbers 0 - 9 as well.
  7. They do' date=' but are google one of those companies that pay $5,500 a year for "more detailed postal code data" that is mentioned in the article? At first glance it would appear they do.[/quote'] They probably do considering what they're worth. Twitter's feeds are available through and API and that's everyone's data. They offer it for free, up to a point. When a site pulls enough data requests (1000/day-ish), they have to pay for it. If there's a flat fee for postal code and address data, that there is a good deal for Google.
  8. i think google has all that data somehow and it's all accessible through their api's. here's an example: http://ctrlq.org/maps/address/
  9. bouche

    Bluesfest 2013

    Alejandro Escovedo was a great gem at Bluesfest 2006. I never really got B.B. King or why he always topped the list of world's greatest guitarist (or even Chuck Berry), when Prince would just pounce all over those licks.
  10. It reminds me of early eighties prince.
  11. yeah, cause we need to know that what it feels like, isn't really what it is.
  12. There's nothing like an ice cream run with a bunch of co-workers to turn some heads. 12 of us went to the mall, and got some soft serve from LA Cremiere and then ate it outside. The soft serve ice cream actually froze hard.
  13. why's it illegal? did someone smoke up, put on some music, ate a bunch of cheetos, or played a guitar, or maybe played a videogame?
  14. Isn't that one of the concepts of Tim Ferriss's 4 hour work week? Dude probably just read his book.
  15. maybe we need a computer donation event for velvet so he can login here.
  16. After Tweezer, they're all golf references. ha! They really jump out in text.
  17. trey be nutz. nice guitz.
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