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Everything posted by bouche

  1. where's birdman? I could use a new record or two. the birdman guy could have at least listed a FEW things that they've brought to the table over the last 20 years. I for one have no idea what they are. I don't even know where the store is.
  2. whoa! Are you able to get it back? who's judging whether your content was infringing or not? that's the problem with SOPA and PIPA. where's the line?
  3. you realize you're getting advice from a bunch of people who have never successfully sold art.
  4. create an etsy gallery and feature some things on facebook posts...make sure to ask your friends to share. get on twitter and start following OTHER artists, post pictures of your art and build up your own set of followers who like to follow artists. They'll see all your artwork, with a link where to get it. Ask them to share with their followers. The basics of social networking is easy, but you gotta keep at it and keep it lively.
  5. yeah, but no matter what you will need to let alot of people know about it and not just sit and wait.
  6. I've just watched 3 episodes and sort of have an idea how the rules in the show are working. If it goes that way....very cool. So far it's just been alot of learning about characters, the house, backstory and murder. Pretty awesome show so far. who's watching this?
  7. awwww. imagshack is blocked at work. i can't refer to this for laughter all day long.
  8. yeah, he's a dwarf and you forget how little he is. He's a got a great voice and presence in the series.
  9. Isn't that just for walk-in only? I believe you can order a week in advance as much as you want. That's what i did with coupon #1. Mind you, they kept changing their policies. Sad to hear about the owner's death. He was almost too nice. There was a time I went in there and waited about 15-20 minutes for help, it wasn't busy but he was just having a chat with another customer who already had her stuff paid for. I couldn't interrupt because of the niceness. Another time, I was putting in an order for beef short ribs and asked one of the butcher dudes to debone them. He didn't know what I was talking about. odd. the owner... Brian? ... came over to say "no worries, we can do that". the new employee learned something new that day.
  10. thx for the reminder. I still have credit there too. I want a to get a brisket and make corned beef so bad.
  11. hey. How'd your peanut sauce work out? What did I suggest on FB again? Red curry paste, fish sauce, minced cilantro roots, coconut milk and some peanut butter. I think natural sugar free is better if you want to balance it with sugar yourself but straight up skippy works fine.
  12. bouche


    take it next door to Elmdale and order a beer!
  13. Videotron doesn't carry it. boo!
  14. bouche

    Ottawa Chefs

    I just did a search. Swiss Chalet is hiring! :bonghit:
  15. bouche

    Ottawa Chefs

    that's a good call.
  16. bouche

    Ottawa Chefs

    There always seem new restaurants popping up, and on the opposite end, closing down. I think it's a pretty dynamic city with opportunity. The Mill Street Brew pub just went through a bunch of hiring from what I've read. I'm sure people here have heard of new places on the verge of opening. Has he checked in with the public service? I know a guy from high school who's a gov't chef and he's in a niche making traditional aboriginal meals that require ingredients that you just can't get even here. Seal meat, whale blubber, all that jazz.
  17. good question. did you ever use it with twitter?
  18. Downton Abbey. Have heard great things about it. BBC series.
  19. bouche


    walking dead is great. season two mini-finale was shit disturbing awesomeness.
  20. what I don't understand about this phenomenon of watching GoT and then reading the books, which I hear alot about, is the fact that you know what is coming up. basically spoilers in the show would ruin the story...no?
  21. i'm trying not to think about season 2 otherwise time would slow down. such a fantastic end to a great first season.
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