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Everything posted by bouche

  1. Clinton has some great vids. damn.
  2. Do you take your recording gear with you in carry-on luggage? I would assume that's the last bit of stuff you'd want lost in luggage. Curious how it shows up in the x-ray scans and how you have to explain the electronics and wires to security who know nothing about recording gear.
  3. it's not really one of those fact battles worth fighting.
  4. Dinghy and Jaydawg might think that Letterman should have introduced them while stating where they were born, where their first bands were formed, the different places they lived, and then after all that said "And they are currently living in Montreal..."
  5. nice. looked like nels was jonesing to go off on his guitar.
  6. btw, love the domain and title Mark Tonin's Music Vortex!
  7. I am so stoked for this season. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apprentice_(U.S._season_12) Adam Carolla, Penn Jillette, Clay Aiken, Lou Ferrigno, Dee Snider, George Takei... Check out Adam Carolla, one of the funniest guys on the planet talking about his appearance on this season. He sneaks in a good jack-off joke at 1:20. http://www.nbc.com/smash/video/Meet-Adam-Carolla/1376681
  8. I didn't know that they were notorious for that. How about having some confidence? It's incredible that this is being billed as a reunion after a failed reunion in 2007/8
  9. we're a bunch of detail picky arseholes
  10. what? you're not releasing on cassette tape? what is this world coming to? Congrats Mark! Can't wait to hear it.
  11. that's another 2 drinks for you right now! :chug: + :chug:
  12. you just make up drink rules whenever you want a drink. rule # 28 - Whenever someone quote's davey boy 2.0 take a shot.
  13. oh boy. it needs a punchline then...or a magic trick.
  14. After hearing the NPR interview, Brad's story about meeting Sarah sounded oddly familiar. I dug up an old post from feb.2007 I made after seeing Brad and Sarah in the MoonData LabProject au Montreal.
  15. I tossed out this theory at work and it seems to be getting alot of support. I think the goal is just to get the crowd so unrocked that when David Lee Roth hits the stage, the crowd would go apeshit for anyone.
  16. Why on earth is Kool & the Gang opening for Van Halen??? Worst musical pairing ever. #FAIL
  17. Is Letterman a LIVE program now? I guess they're ready for SNL!
  18. The reason I wonder is because of the listing on the Late Show site.
  19. 3. Is the official name THE Barr Brothers or just Barr Brothers
  20. bouche

    nero NYE

    . Same groove. I think stevie stole it. At least it's a way out
  21. cool man. looks very grass roots. possibly iPhone footage?
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