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Kanada Kev

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Everything posted by Kanada Kev

  1. Next we're going to start hearing promises that if they are allowed to operate in Iraq, gas prices at the pump will go down. The masses will quickly smile again and we'll see sales of SUVs bounce back
  2. Is this really a surprise?!?! Fuck ... what was the reason the invasion was started again http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/19/world/middleeast/19iraq.html?_r=2&hp&oref=slogin&oref=slogin
  3. And then there's throwing things at the main act ... and then getting reamed out for it hahahaha Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age calls out some little emo prick at his concert. Concert Cuss Out - Watch more free videos
  4. Hey, if the two lesbians got into the closet while in the house, you know what that makes??? ... .... A LIQUOR CABINET
  5. A lot of Christian McBride and THAT is a good thing Damn he's good.
  6. Try Euro08 right now ... it is quite entertaining. Shit, if you can hit a patio somewhere it's a perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon. Especially if there are a bunch of crazed fans hanging out
  7. Kyle Hollingsworth (SCI) will now be joining the Mickey Hart Band on keyboards. I'm thinking of heading down for the freebie in Buffalo. Wonder if JonO is still doing sound for these guys. http://www.mickeyhart.net
  8. That shirt is crap without Sandra. Nah, Sandra schmandra ... what's missing is KENNY (Rudy's friend) now that kid was cool
  9. "Best T-Shirts at Bonnaroo" http://www.esquire.com/the-side/feature/best-t-shirts-at-bonnaroo
  10. Last Tuesday, Lori Mehmen looked out her front door in Orchard, Iowa and this is what she saw. She had a digital camera handy, and somehow managed to take this photo before crapping her pants and taking cover. This, my friends, is why always having a camera nearby is helpful. Oh, and no one was injured during this tornado, fortunately.
  11. ^^^^^^ Totally agree with you. That, and the annoyingly anaesthetic style of the commentators, i'd rather watch something else
  12. still works with our dogs. "Hurry up, find a spot" ... "Hurry up, find a spot" ... "Hurry up, find a spot" ... "Hurry up, find a spot" ... "Hurry up, find a spot" ... "come on, find a spot" ... "hurry the fuck up, please!!!" "Hurry up, find a spot" ... WOOOHOOO "good boy, good girL"
  13. My wife taught at a puppy school and it is commonly agreed upon by trainers that it is not a good way to potty train dogs. Quick search of the web and you'll come up with the same info (i'm sure BradM can find some good ones): http://us.iams.com/iams/en_US/jsp/IAMS_Page.jsp?pageID=A&articleID=177 http://www.google.ca/search?q=rubbing+your+dog%27s+nose+in+it&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
  14. Yesterday was the best Fathers Day ever. Loved it.
  15. That was all that I switched in for (on a whim) yesterday. Definitely a fun band. Kooky
  16. mmmm ... havinbeers and swimming with the kids and listening to tunage Just in going to the fridge right now. Time for a Tuborg
  17. Unphrey's getting ready That Fiery Furnaces was a total buzzkill after listening to the Drive-By "cutoff" Truckers
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