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balogna pogna

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Everything posted by balogna pogna

  1. Tim & Eric: "Awesome Record, Great Songs" also deserves an honourable mention as does Brian Culbertson "Bringing Back the Funk" and Ani DiFranco "Red Letter Year".
  2. Hope you have an awesome birthday little sister. Rest up it's gonna be a humdinger tonight!
  3. Breaking news! New insight into Axl's "Chinese Democracy" can only be revealed when synched up with the classic Pink Floyd film "The Wall". http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4538914/WALL_OF_DEMOCRACY_-_
  4. Another really good album that just came out in September is "The Dragons of Eden" by Buckethead, keyboardist Travis Dickerson and drummer Bryan "Brain" Mantia.
  5. I guess I'm a little out of the loop when it comes to new music from 2008 & found it hard to put 10 together. In no particular order: Phish: Roxy Boxed Set Ben Folds: Way To Normal Mike Gordon: The Green Sparrow Frank Zappa: Joe's Menage Frank Zappa: One Shot Deal Del McCoury: Moneyland George Duke: Dukey Treats The WMDs: Live Flight of the Conchords: ST Jimmy Herring: Lifeboat (this is not an admission of being a Panic fan but this album is pretty far out in a 70s fusion kinda way). Maybe I should just go goth.......
  6. Boy George's chances of a comeback just keep getting slimmer.
  7. I heard that was one of the provisions of the peace treaty Bobby had to sign. Phil must pay reparations however.....
  8. I thought you meant that the music contained on the album was the equivalent of free Dr. Pepper (I'd say it's more like Tab Lite on my first listen). Or that Dr. Pepper was himself wrongly incarcerated and that a portion of the proceeds from sales of the album who go towards facilitating his release.
  9. "After a 13 year break the Grateful Dead will be reuniting the band for a major arena tour in the spring of 2009. During the tour Mickey will be attending exhibits of his art in key locations when the scheduling permits. Like many of his contemporaries Mickey is now branching out into the next obvious step in his creative journey. By exploring new subject matter and mediums he will surely amaze us with his art as he has done with his music over the last 40 years." Does this mean they will be called "The Grateful Dead"? That's the only thing different from when they toured a few years back.
  10. I just think it's funny that the Goths are looking to expand their membership by recruiting new members from this site. Not enough rainbows perhaps?
  11. I accidentally deleted my confirmation email from the site. I feel so cold and dead inside.
  12. Anybody wanna join with me? I'll be Darklobster! IMGOTH.com
  13. As this is less than 1/100s it forces a recount by hand next week. http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/senate/34200229.html?elr=KArksLckD8EQDUoaEyqyP4O:DW3ckUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUnciaec8O7EyUsr
  14. Yeah I watched that one a couple weeks ago. Norm's always funny. He even finds it funny when he bombs at stand-up.
  15. Is it the new one since Artie's heroin use is out in the open?
  16. Wow! That was awesome. Anyone have any pics of Fista's debut with the band?
  17. It sounds similar to the bulk of their albums but didn't catch my attention the way that previous albums have. Download it before you buy it....
  18. You guys should do some drug awareness info sessions at some local high-schools speaking on the pitfalls of the crack lifestyle.
  19. "Backstage at the Nickelback concert"
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