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Everything posted by hamilton

  1. ...the massive amount of American media THAT Canadians consume. I can't believe how many Canadians have poor grammar skills. Of course, maybe the problem is Brantford...
  2. Winning bid: $40,100 Link You would have easily won that with your 50 grand...
  3. Leonard Cohen, Songs From A Room. What can I say? All the Leonard Cohen chatter over the last couple oif days made me pull this off the shelf and throw it in the player. As always, excellent.
  4. 50. I'll bet that most people you asked said 52, though.
  5. Move over here to Korea if you really want to be in cell phone hell. People won't turn them off in class or in the movie theatre. Yelled conversations on the subways, elevators, hallways, gyms, and in the streets in the dead of night (Why does everyone talk louder on the phone than they do face-to-face?). Ring-tones from hell. And the worst part - people who repeatedly call again and again and again if you don't answer the first time - what the fuck, asshole? Of all possibile reasons why I might not have answered the phone, why must you assume that it must be because I didn't hear it the first time? Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
  6. Oooooooh, yeah! That one is completely amazing. There was a new remaster that came out last year that sounds like GOLD! And there's an online site to go with it where you can do your own remixes, too. Pretty neat shit.
  7. I thought that was *great* - but I don't think it was a "Will Ferrell movie" so much as it was a "movie with Will Ferrell in it". In other words, he was an actor in the movie rather than the driving force behind the creation of the movie. Highly recommended!
  8. Ambient One: Music For Airports.
  9. He missed several games in Toronto for "personal issues" before the trade, so I'm guessing it is connected to the same issue, whatever that is. What's weird is that he hasn't contected Florida manangement or attempted to explain himself to them. I hope he's okay - from what I understand, he is a highly-likable guy who was one of the most popular members among his teammates.
  10. hamilton


    I dunno about the other ones, but 42, obviously, is The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. Duh.
  11. hamilton


    I had a student in my class tell me that he was going to see the Hollywood movie "Jacket" today. The one with Adrian Brody? No, he said, the one with the guy from Star Wars. I had no idea what he was talking about. An hour later I realized that he was talking about "Jumper". Aaaaieeeeeeeee.....
  12. Rod Stewart, Never A Dull Moment. The last great Rod Stewart album?
  13. Wrong and double wrong ... I find it is awesome ambient music (right up there with Apollo by Brian Eno and Music For Airports by, errr, Brian Eno). Puts me out like a light and sweet dreams. Well worth the price of purchase, as fas as I am concerned. Admittedly, I haven't listened to it in about ten years. I certainly enjoy both of the Eno albums you mentioned, so perhaps it's time for another listen. Except, of course, that it's sitting in a box in a room in Hamilton, and I'm on the other side of the world. Another time, perhaps.
  14. Sounds like fun - I wish I could have been there! I was unable to make it to a show he did here in Seoul with Gary Burton late last year, too.
  15. Hang on... there's a *first* reason why Mickey Hart rules?!?!?! Ironically, I'm probably the one person on the board who actually owns that album. I got it for free back in the old Columbia House days when there was a "buy-one-get-one-free" special and I couldn't find anything I wanted for my free purchase. I suppose it's good to put on if you are trying to study or something (like, I dunno, deliver a baby) but trust me, it's really not worth searching out unless you're a completeist or pregnant.
  16. What, now Steven Hawking is an expert on jazz, too?
  17. I have a feeling we're going to read about this as a Darwin Awards candidate sometime in the near future...
  18. I'm not sure why that's relevant to whether or not a show is worth attending.
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