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Everything posted by peipunk

  1. I want to! Keep in mind I don't have tickets, don't live in Toronto, and can't go.
  2. Sorry buddy, I was feeling a bit saucy tonight, can't you just torrent the missed bizzle?
  3. I have not had any problems with a Rogers PVR not recording a show. Since I haven't had any problems, I don't know what the issue might be if there was an issue causing a Rogers PVR not recording a show. If I had a Rogers PVR that I used to record shows and it didn't record a show like it was supposed to, I might be able to offer some insight into what the issue might be that would cause a Rogers PVR to not record a show; however, since I don't have a Rogers PVR, I don't have any insight to offer you. You're welcome.
  4. Any coin that picks St. Louis should not be labeled trusty.
  5. I'll share a similar story, my wife and I were looking for a property to invest in, and to maybe have a place to move to if we wanted some city life. We had a deal for 2 properties from the same person, and signed an offer after a verbal agreement. At the last minute, the owner realized that the penalties for breaking his horrible mortgage were huge and put his price up $30k! We walked away and promptly found a property that was a LOT better deal and closed it within 2 weeks. We are sooooo much happier that that happened!
  6. peipunk


    Apologies in advance, I am a poster junkie:
  7. One of the times was at Z's place in Utica I believe! The Electric Co.
  8. Black Eyed Peas = fail Tennessee at Pittsburgh >> Pitt Miami at Atlanta >> Atlanta Denver at Cincinnati >> Denver Minnesota at Cleveland >> Minnesota Jacksonville at Indianapolis >> Indy Detroit at New Orleans >> New Orleans Dallas at Tampa Bay >> Tampa Bay Philadelphia at Carolina >> Philly Kansas City at Baltimore >> Baltimore NY Jets at Houston >> Houston Washington at NY Giants >> NY San Francisco at Arizona >> Arizona St. Louis at Seattle >> Seattle Chicago at Green Bay >> Green Bay Buffalo at New England >> NE San Diego at Oakland >> San Diego I'll take 80 pts for the tiebreaker.
  9. We did a live draft last week, it was fun, except only 4 people of 14 showed up, the rest was autodraft. Head to head matchups each week with points for all positions like you said. Yeah I remember you talking about a skank fantasy league, but I didn't want to get into anything that has maintenance, I got bullied into this one. I traded Forte for Turner for my primary RB...that move could go either way I guess. I am glad to have something to make me love football even more!
  10. Its a Yahoo league a buddy of mine started....2 divisions of 7 teams.
  11. I have a question, I don't usually follow preseason at all, I find it to not be a very good gauge for what is to come....I know that the stars don't usually play very much but are the rest of the starting lineups on the field much? Should I be paying more attention to it? I ask this because I am in my first fantasy football league ever...
  12. We might need a judges ruling on that last one, I believe the correct term would be to "tie a room together".....
  13. Wow, you guys sound like you have canine noses. I could see if you were talking about being stopped at a red light (thats a stretch for me), but 70-80 km/h? That sounds ludicrous IMO.
  14. Thats all you could come up with for a "He's so slow...."? Took me a minute to figure it out. Insult Fail IMO.
  15. WTB picture of Dima for Fail Club membership card.
  16. Does that mean the sens will be mathematically eliminated by game 9? Nice try Jakis....we all know thats not possible.
  17. Don't forget the Price impregnating 15 year old girls talk!
  18. OK sorry I thought I misunderstood you! Your sense of smell must be much more advanced than mine. I am definitely saying that.
  19. Are you seriously saying you inhaled a guys cigarette smoke from the car in front of you while doing 70 km/h? Or was his car a clunker and giving off bad fumes?
  20. Yes! Keep up the good work people. I have been pwned into near-silence by Dinghy.
  21. awful band name What I am taking from this thread: Worst Pop Band Ever could be the best awful band name ever.
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