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Everything posted by bagochips

  1. Ike Turner has passed away at the age of 76. We all know he was a mean son of a bitch towards Tina but he was also responsible for a lot of great music, once upon a time. Peace be with you, Ike.
  2. Theme: Songs About Shrimp, Fish and/or fishermen, that would fit well into a short mockumentary film on fish farming in Vietnam 1. Primus - John The Fisherman 2. The Lovin' Spoonful - Fishin' Blues 3. Barnes and Barnes - Fish Heads (Buck 65 just released a version of this as well if you want to get all contemporary and sh!t) 4. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Fishin' In The Dark 5. Woody Guthrie - Talking Fishing Blues 6. Ween - The Fruit Man 7. Louis Armstrong (feat Bing Crosby) - Gone Fishin' 8. Ween - The Mollusk 9. The Waterboys - Fisherman's Blues 10. Diesel Dog - Fishing With The Skipper 11. The Congos - Fisherman 12.
  3. I don't like to complain but I do love to bitch.
  4. And then there are these guys:
  5. That is it, Jaimoe. I saw Dave Brubeck with his band of swingin' octogenarians this summer and they were waaaay better than I had hoped. I'll go see John McLaughlin anytime too, for that matter. But rock and roll is a kid's game. Led Zeppelin were Gods of Youth, dripping sex and oozing power and energy. About 40 years ago. Now they are old and no matter how well they play it will never touch anything near what they once were. Neil, on the other hand, is forever young.
  6. You know, I skipped almost all the major reunion acts these last few years and it wasn't really about the exorbitant cost of the tickets. I mean, I was really taken aback by the price that Genesis and the Police and Roger Waters and Stevie Wonder and Neil Young all of a sudden seemed to think they were worth. It's like they all turned in to Barbara Streisand all of a sudden. But mostly I didn't go because, with the exception of Neil, none of those people have really done anything that interested me since the 1980's. I did see the Roger Waters show this year, thanks to a friend who hooked me up with a pair of freebies, and I really enjoyed the show, but it was a pretty hollow event. There was nothing new being done. I was seeing a replica of a thing that used to be. A really good cover band. I know I missed a beautiful night or three by skipping Neil but the $600 for tickets plus all the associated travel expenses will get me into a hell of a lot of bars where young bands with something to say or just the urge to rock the night away will be doing just that. Rock and roll hasn't died. It's been co-opted to be sure but it's easy enough to skip all that and see the real thing without needing to take out a mortgage just to catch Phil Collins and company. I had a point here, but it's late and I've lost track of my own rant. Don't mind me. Fuck Led Zeppelin and all the rest of them. On less they come to Bluesfest, or I get free tickets, or ...
  7. There was a thread about this last year.
  8. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1574740/20071120/led_zeppelin.jhtml
  9. I want a compilation of classic quotes from popo weenie.
  10. http://www.winnipegentertainment.com/ http://www.wcities.com/en/record/,287192/499/record.html http://ask.metafilter.com/35622/What-to-do-in-Winnipeg
  11. I completely forgot about that show Brad. I might make this one, though.
  12. "The Ballad of Robert Latimer" eh? Now if only you knew somebody who wrote songs, Dr. J.
  13. The man has been in jail for about 15 years now. He is no threat to society or any individual. I believe the parole board is way off base in their decision to not grant him day parole (life in a half-way house vs staying in jail, SP). Meanwhile Karla roams the streets of Montreal ...
  14. Saturday, December 8th, 2007 DREAMING OF A BLACK CHRISTMAS at the AvantGardeBar 133 1/2 Besserer Street, w/ Kingdom Shore (11pm) Sinequanon (10pm) Simon Guibord (9pm) $8.00 Music at 9pm sharp Kingdom Shore Dear friends, hawsers holding fast on the grim perimeters of this pinchbeck holding company, Kingdom Shore was formed in the early winter light of 2006, beneath the long shadows cast by the punk rock that grew out of 1980¹s hardcore, avant and art rock, electro-acoustic music, noise, old world Gospel, and contemporary and left-field music. The current line-up includes Ryan Hough (violin), Marlene Cruz Lozano (violin), Jasmine Landau (violin), Katrina Gaibisels (cello), Mark Molnar (cello and electronics), Gerg Horvath (double-bass), Nathan Medema (found-sounds and field recordings, laptop, electronics, samples, real-time processing), and Simon Guibord (laptop, electronics, Korg MS-20). http://www.blackbough.ca Sinequanon is the stage name of Jean-François Blanchette, a Hull-based synthesist who has been producing under this moniker since 1998. Using various acoustic/electronic instruments and computer software, sinequanon produces electronic music dominated by analog synthesizers and drum machines. His musical harvest is characterized by memorable hooks, a pop sensibility, and sampled historical figures. http://www.sulpont.ca http://www.myspace.com/sinequanonmusique Simon Guibord has a keen eye for detail and an obsessive ear for sound, Simon (laptop) constructs careful, increasingly complex electronic rhythms, upon which he lays warped, tweaked digital sounds and strong melodies. Minimal, funky and occasionally aggressive, Simon's sound is strongly tinged with psychedelia, sometimes veering off into pure ambience; live, his laptop sets have often been augmented with the drumming of Sebastien Aubin (Homestyle). http://www.sulpont.ca
  15. NY cop says wife spiked meatballs A US counter-terrorism police officer who says he failed a drugs test because his wife spiked his meatballs with marijuana is suing to get his job back. Anthony Chiofalo, of New York Police Department (NYPD), has asked Manhattan Supreme Court to challenge his firing. He was suspended in 2005 after 22 years of service, for failing a random test. His wife told investigators she had secretly drugged his meatballs hoping a failed test would force him to retire. NYPD said the story was "not credible". Both Mr Chiofalo and his wife Catherine have passed lie detector tests about how the marijuana entered the police officer's system. Back pain Mrs Chiofalo told investigators she had put enough marijuana for six cigarettes in her meatball recipe in July 2005, according to court papers. She testified at a hearing that she just wanted her husband "not to die of a heart attack or get killed" while still in service, the Associated Press news agency quotes the court papers as saying. "I wanted him to be around to help raise my son," she said. She had reportedly expected him to retire in 2004 after 20 years in the force. Mr Chiofalo said his wife had marijuana in the house because she used it to alleviate suffering caused by chronic back pain. An administrative judge recommended that Mr Chiofalo be reinstated to the Joint Terrorism Task Force but Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly rejected that opinion and fired him. Mr Chiofalo hopes the court will rule his dismissal unconstitutional and force the NYPD to re-hire him. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7129440.stm
  16. One of Canada's greatest artists and a shaman. From his own perspective, this is just the next stage of the journey.
  17. I would love to get my hands on a copy of that, if at all possible. Especially the second set. The Kruger Brothers are a total class act.
  18. I have an extra ticket for free if anyone needs it. I'm leaving here in about ten minutes and won't be near a computer again. So act fast if interested.
  19. My friend Mike runs Connie's Custom Tailoring in the Billing Bridge Shopping Centre. They do good work.
  20. So buy some more tickets. It's not sold out.
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