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Everything posted by geomouse

  1. SYNERGY! or any other words like that, especially when used within the corporate domain to describe any kind of "objective" or "direction" Newspeak drives me crrrazy! g
  2. vociferous and i like; meat curtain
  3. all the best this year skanks (Artwork by tiltmaster)
  4. Thanks a heap greg! I'll grab this one for sure! g
  5. Now you see it; now you don't; now you see it; now you don't...too fuckin fu.....too much! Ok now not enough...too much!(k-worst pun ever) g
  6. Ya mon! More drunken posts are in order...git me a double! g
  7. Could ya ask the guy in the 18 wheeler at the side of the highway when he might get unstuck so's I can get back to work? Seems as though the cabinets he's carrying are now a feww days late. Sinks don't sit so well when ther'es no cabinet beneath! g
  8. No more rumbling at the moment. I'm going to risk crawling back into bed...g'nite all..
  9. YOu gotta visit dude,,,we can snow you in We've got a great pile of the stuff filling in here along the Huron coastline....and LOVIN' IT! My kids are going to experience the winters that I remember from the seventies...minus the dope I'm guessing
  10. ...and I thought mental constipation was a 'bummer' g
  11. No kidding huh? I'm not drinking but woke up and had to shit! Get to the bowl and nothing...what a waste of time...so here I am at the portal, in fear of a 'reflux' that will get me up again. You know how some people will stick their fingers down their throat to get puking?.....well, I'm not sure that would help for this dill'enema' but any suggestions would be appreciated. :grin:
  12. Go willy Go! and could you pop over to Southampton and pick me up on the way? You guys are going to have a blast at this one fer sure! Bust a nut! ... or a lip for that matter! g
  13. That link is fuckin hilarious, Marge! I'm still crackin up! Seriously though, any gift that's hand made to some degree always hits the mark, like food or homemade Bailey's is a good one 'round those chilly times.
  14. Happy B(elated) Birthday! Hope to see you guys around the holiday season! g
  15. Nothing trivial about it Sampson!
  16. Oh, but I do! And these look so much more appetizing than the standard lab variety
  17. Some say that a one syllable name is the way to go but Alabama Man is the one for you, Greg. Kinda contrasting y'know? I'm always going to think about that giraffe with the neck stuffing starting to go loose and all floppy. You remember that? Maybe that could inspire some new moniker huh? cheers g
  18. So, y'know its okay to say "I'M GOOD" when someone asks "How are you?" Its also quite right to say "I'M DOING WELL" when asked "How are you doing?" Verbage, man. Verbage is where its at.
  19. k then ... the details huh? Saugeen Shores is the township that runs along Ontario's west coast just south of Sauble Beach from Southampton to Kincardine and includes such metropoli as Port Elgin, Burgoyne and Paisley. (not you paisley) On the other point, after attending the local Karaoke night quite by accident, I think a new local band that can get up and play nothing at all would turn this county on its ear But seriously, Boiler Rat, there must be somewhere around here to get taste of good music? I know the Blues and Jazz fest was host to many imports. Link Link
  20. Hey, I've noticed a few posters on the board from this region of Saugeen Shores and wanted to get a bit of heads up and direction to any venues in the area. Either for playing a gig or just to check out some music. With the look of winter settling in I need to know where I can venture for good grooves! g
  21. Had these little white diamond shaped things falling for two days here. I bet the Inuit have a cool word for it. Now its changed to regular clumped flakes the size of pocket change. I'm going to love this first full season at the beach! Bring it! g
  22. Fuck fuck fuck Why alla time? Who the fuck is on the button here anyhow? "A bunch of kids running through the hall with angry looks on their faces does not contitute an emergency" to the entire populace. (quote from high school staffer fortunate enough to sneak out a door DURING one of these situations). How about a regular walk around the grounds, like any other institution in the 50's to see what the fuck is going on? I'm sorry for the situation. I really am. The regulation imposed on our teaching staff, admin, ems and other response teams will have been melted into 1984 for us all.
  23. Thought that might have been part of the pre-nup Hope you are having a wonderful 'day in transition' from one number to the next. g
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