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Everything posted by geomouse

  1. Hey that's Planet 'X' not Mars. :laugh:
  2. So inspiring! I'm calling my lawyer in the morning just to make a few changes! g
  3. I just tried to remotely view that pic and had a computer meltdown...will it take a thousand words to describe it?
  4. Did anyone see him interviewed on Letterman? He was completed tripped out, nonsensical but now. It drove Letterman nuts that he could be so distracting from the Late Show formula. Couldn't find a clip on Youtube...could be that Letterman copyright/censorship thing. g
  5. Imagine passing by Earth on your way to the Andromeda Galaxy and catching a glimpse of this on your scanners... Flight patterns
  6. 'dig it'...'groovy'...oh my, get an update and punch in the verbage and vibes. g
  7. Now that's a name. You are goooood with this shit. g
  8. Hmmmm....me too, Boke. So new to the board, yet best wishes to the sleeping monster, A Jambandian Slip, perhaps? Methinks their be games afoot...Dr. Scully is that you? g
  9. geomouse


    Email, Jambands, APOD (astronomy pciture of the day), weather network and any interesting links offered therin. Hey, is this some sort of tracking mechanism? g
  10. Ok Computer...but its the only one I've spent any time with. Good 'round-the-house-while-doin'-stuff music for me. g
  11. Kazoo! Perfect! Wanna start a band? Schwa - n. 1. The symbol (É™) used to represent an unstressed neutral vowel and, in some systems of phonetic transcription, a stressed mid-central vowel, as in but. call it "Schwa and the Unstressed" or "Schwad" or "BUTT" any of this grabbing your Kazoo? g ps I'm sitll going to the show
  12. Photo forum please. (or don't you have an invitation, Schwa?) g
  13. 4. Please don't wake the monster... g
  14. I thought it was his...y'know...that was a laser. g
  15. private message me Daveymouse and I'll walk you through the steps...not too hard to do...it only took me about three months to figure it out Now ahm a changing avatars like the breeze! g
  16. I missed the show (again!) But now I have it too...Thanks a heap Willy! Ed fits in like a dirty shirt!! g
  17. Nice rip on the avatar there timouse...very appropriate though...you're always my number one guy for the 'meh'. Its short, to the point and very universal, the pinnacle of expression for the uninterested ttys I am interested in this show though, don't get me wrong. I'll be there! g
  18. I love that t-shirt. Has nothing whatsoever to do with this thread though. g
  19. 'To do is to be To be is to do Do be do be do' Git 'er on, davey boy! g ps-I'm hammered
  20. Ok east is right ..I stand corrected There seems to be a few 'hippies' in and around the beach these days whether they live there or cottage there I'm not sure really. Sorry we missed each other. As they say 'timing is everything' g
  21. I gotta go wash off the green of envy Glad to hear it was a great night arkmouse g
  22. I'm still not getting the connection either...I do have a barn, cats, mice and all order of vermin around here and I'm feeling pretty fortunate lately to be able to live and work in a place that reeks of summer bliss, even in winter...one more sleeman and I'm going to have to take a run into Lake Huron!
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