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Everything posted by jonyak

  1. congrats!!! she's gorgeous. I got a dog form a no kill shelter. They take in dogs that would have been put down. She was aused, and found as a stray in cornwall. she is such a great dog, I don't know why anyone wouldn't have adopted her.
  2. why do all her pictures look like fashion shots??
  3. I have always wanted to elope. I love bacon. don't like girls who wear makeup. I dunno if I am well endowed, but I have always had a higher than average sex drive. I want some bacon wrapped bacon.
  4. wow.. thats a whole new level of bullshit.
  5. ask questions my friend.. I am indeed a huge bass nerd...
  6. See I think you got eden totaly wrong. they pride themselves on having as flat a response as possible. there cabs are VERY flat across the frequency range. I think the scooping you talk about comes from there enhance control, which scoops the mids and boosts the lows and highs. I have mine off. I run my amp totaly flat with no eq at all, and my bass totaly flat as well... and it sounds incredible.
  7. I use all david eden stuff... its pretty high fi.. I have a 410T and a 210 xlt.. but I am seriously considering going to a 410 xlt, or even giving it all up and going ampeg fridge style. I need the volume as I am playing with the loudest drummer I have evr played with and I have trouble getting over him with my 410T
  8. hmm my bell sattelite has worked nonstop. even during the big snow storm last year. Ps: someone tell me about hacking please.
  9. I have never liked that place. and as a person who has played there on several occasions, dealt with the people there, and heard stories from other bands that have played there, I don't have a good view of what he's done for the ottawa "scene".
  10. oh man.. that is a great show... toubab are an awesome band live.. I loved them when I saw them at moe down 7.
  11. yes good Idea, I have labellas nylon tapewound on my ibanez hollow body... they sound great, lots of thud.
  12. do you mean like the bass pedals of a b3? thats a broad question. it would be a combination of alot of things. bass, amp, eq. I would say you would need a compressor as well. also it would be in how you play it. I know some old stingrays have foam muted under the strings, to give it more of a thumpy muted sound. kinda reminds me of a b3 pedals.
  13. never had a shower beer... but I have been known to smoke a doobie while taking a dump.
  14. jonyak

    Barrymore's Sold?

    haha probably. the funny thing is that I got quite a few people to join me in singing some songs... and I got alot of looks that would agree with what you said.
  15. jonyak

    Barrymore's Sold?

    I was in a bar in montreal on its "retro night" and they were playing rem, nirvana, pearl jam, stuff like that from the 90's. it made me feel really old, so I got hammered and sang really loud to anyone who would listen.
  16. from what I can tell ottawa, just seems to have a higher amount of self involved assholes, but that could just be because I have lived here for a while.
  17. it doesn't matter if you use usb, its still gonna use your sound drivers. just go and download new updated drivers.
  18. I am both. I am what they call in the industry a dhick. or a chude if you prefer.
  19. some guy had a sign in the audience that really struck a chord with me the whole weekend. "Moe. down 9, It just hasn't got weird enough for me yet." I thought it was funny.
  20. I think everyone at moe down slapped my wine skin that night.
  21. ya, I hit the wine pretty hard... I do remember seeing you guys... and that wine skin had a satisfying slap...
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