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Everything posted by jonyak

  1. dang. ya it would be. if you were in ottawa I would be in. too bad
  2. Are we talking about carpet ?
  3. what city are you located in?? Ps: I liked the tunes.. I am in ottawa.
  4. so how is getting there picture taken against their religion but driving around in a car, that destroys mother nature, not? doesn't make much sense to me but oh well.
  5. I was gonna comment on this. nothing like makeing a mistake like that in print! [color:purple]He's making us deadheads look great!
  6. I recently cut off all of my hair as well man. it was about as long as yours too.. now its super short. Felt weird for a long time but then I realised how much nicer it is to have short hair!
  7. Must be his act... because I saw them at bluesfest this year and clinton didn;t come out till about 45 minutes into the show, and then he grunted and swaggered around the stage. I found it extremely boreing live.
  8. I don't think we should be funding catholic schools at all... its hypocritical, we should fund muslim schools and every other religious school as well. Why do catholic schools get special treatment?
  9. this begs the question, is it really right to force our children into certain ways of beleiving? I mean they are young and impressionable, so why is it legal to force a certain religious beleif on them at a young age when they cannot make there own choices what to beleive. it seems wrong to me.
  10. maybe we should pull all of the bibles out of every school or anywhere else, as they are promoting christianity to children. who's to decide which one is right. we live in a really messy world right now.
  11. I invited them in once and had a nice long chat about how I don't there version of religion and exactly why. I talked for like a half hour and they left, actualy they slowly backed towards the door the whole time I was speaking and then bolted. hehe.
  12. maybe thats why I have man titties.. oh well.
  13. I've been a couple times, good friendly atmosphere, good people to play with, I had fun. Dr, evil mouse would be better to ask, I think he has gone quite a few times
  14. I HAVE played a guitar with scalloped frets... it played pretty easily, made bends super easy.
  15. I'm quiet, does that count?
  16. I would tend to agree with you. I have noticed more and more dvds in music stores and less and less music selection. Surprise surprise, less music selection means less people are going there to buy music!!
  17. The world that children are growing up in is horrible.. I feel so bad for kids these days. You know the ss were just follwing orders too.
  18. Love: Money, hours, people I work with, getting to play with millions of dollars of high tech electronic instruments that are sometimes the only ones in canada. Hate: Sometimes it gets really boreing and there is nothing to do... so I surf the internet.. I guess thats not too bad...
  19. Metrologist. I specialise in the science of measurement and calibration.
  20. oh I get it, I was commenting on how people say that trent isn't a genious but bheethoven (or however you spell it) is. I guess I am expressing fustrations with a large majority of "music" lovers who still can say something sucks, without objectively listening to it.
  21. why is trent not a genius? why is classical music held to a higher regard than contemporary? Why don't people realise that some of these people will be considered geniouses in the future?
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