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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. Victor Wooten is good at bass.
  2. No onsite alcohol?!? That seriously makes me look closer at staying offsite, or frankly hitting the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival instead.
  3. Questionable quantity levels at Bibbs but the food was great!
  4. Unfortunately when a famous person is accused of something they are instantly and forever guilty.
  5. I believe he sold 50% of the Beatles stuff to Sony a few years ago and sold a few more little pieces along the way. I think he died owning the rights to a handful of the Beatles stuff. He's had three kids so they'll probably be in the will somehow.
  6. Oh, and I can't help but to show my age. It's a blessing.
  7. In the last three weeks I've listened to Crime Of The Century and Boston's first two albums on vinyl.
  8. Which stand did you try this year?
  9. If only he had died before being falsely accused of child molestation.
  10. Totally agreed, although that means they'd have to play Give A Little Bit. I'll stick with Breakfast In America. Page wrenching out the solo from Child Of Vision would be almost equally amazing.
  11. I'm calling Breakfast In America.
  12. Turns out the working title for MJs new album was 7even.
  13. Someone told me that the working title for the album MJ was working on was "The King Of Pop Is Dead."
  14. He made reference to calling his parole officer that afternoon. I can just imagine the conversation. Where are you? "I'm just outside of Milwaukee." What are you doing? "Playing guitar and fulfilling my role as the central icon of a very conspicuos drug culture." And you're being good, right? "Oh yeah, I'm being good."
  15. I can't believe I missed out on free Dr. Peppers. I'm actually a Pepper. phorbesie and I shared a full rack and a pulled pork sammy from Gators. I was pretty disappointed with the ribs, not fall-off-the-bone and quite fatty, but the sandwich was great! There was a big chunk of unpulled pork in the middle of the sandwich but I look at that the same way as I looked at quarters cooked into birthday cakes; be careful and you'll get a nice treat.
  16. One of the original Angels finally got her wings.
  17. Try as I might, it's impossible to hit every stand at Ribfest, so let us all know what you think of the one you pick. I had the pulled pork sammy meal (includes beans and slaw) at Uncle Sam's today, and though I remember it being a favourite last year I found it quite meh. The slaw was lame, the beans fine and the sandwich was okay, but not mouth-wateringly amazing.
  18. Dude, I thought you were a fan. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/252916/
  19. I can't remember the last time the computer made me laugh that hard! I've been looking forward to ribfest for almost a year. I'm heading down shortly!
  20. Yeah, the first night was a setlist pretty much tailored to me. That's why they did YEM again. I guess they thought, "I know we did it two days ago, but velvet's here." I don't really feel qualified to comment on the second night. I will say this: I've seen nine shows since they've come back and they are playing very, very well and everybody involved seems very happy to be there.
  21. So, any word on whether or not the band dropped by Rick Neilson's house before the show?
  22. Sometimes typos are quite funny. I obviously meant to title the thread with the word "ribfest" but I think I could also consider it a misspelling of "ribingest."
  23. I instantly loved Twenty Years Gone or whatever the hell it's called.
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