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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. Velvet

    Velvet blog?

    Nope. Now, as for me being an impatient little crybaby who throws his toys in the creek when faced with tiniest of challenges: still going strong!
  2. ...are now here, though they are without paragraph breaks. http://www.ottawabluesfest.ca/en/?page=favequestnews
  3. Spot the guy who has never tried to bring a guitar on a plane. I heard about this on cbc and thought it was great. I'm glad to hear it's actually a good song! Here's hoping it goes viral.
  4. I'm not sure if you're kidding or not, I thought he was amazing! I saw him years ago at Massey Hall and that was pretty less-than-spectacular, but I enjoyed him a lot tonight.
  5. I bet Skynyrd will kick ass.
  6. Thanks Sparkle. Your place or mine?
  7. Velvet

    Velvet blog?

    I think this stuff is beyond me, I was hoping to avoid running into terms like "widget". Thanks everyone!
  8. Velvet

    Velvet blog?

    Here I was playing around with wordpress that bouche set up for me, and I was thinking, nah...then I looked at what Blane has going and that's exactly what I want. Oddly, it seems that's exactly what I have. Or is it?
  9. There was a period where I would introduce myself by telling the girl I had a gun and would she help me rob the place.
  10. Velvet

    Velvet blog?

    Are these things free?
  11. Velvet

    Velvet blog?

    Hey all, As many of you know I do a lot of travelling and a fair amount of writing about said travels. This journalistic hobby started here at jambands.ca with the nerologs and chronicled my journeys across Newfoundland, Scandinavia, Peru, NYC, Timbuktu and others, not to mention the reviews and interviews I've been doing recently for soundproofmagazine.com and 24 Hours. When you put it all together there's a heck of a lot of content - the nerologs alone comprise almost 150 pages of text. I've been given a unique oppourtunity to give wider voice to my ramblings. The Ottawa Bluesfest has asked me to supply daily reviews for their official online newsletter, so basically what I previously wrote about here I will be doing for them. They have asked if I have a blog or something they can link to. It seems like a good oppourtunity to expose the masses to my drivel. So, does anyone know where/how I can create my very own unique blog site where I can easily upload lots of content? If it is at all difficult I just won't get to it - it's gotta be easy (a little self-awareness there). Thanks in advance for any and all advice.
  12. There was uber need for that YEM. Not long before that show I played a Phish show for a good friend (I forget the year, but it was a NYE show), who is also an exceptional guitarist. He said he felt like he had just heard Hendrix for the first time and could he borrow the tape. About three months later he brought the tape back and said he was done. Whattya mean, 'done' I says? He says he learned YEM, start to finish. I says, 'show me'. I put on the tape and he played along, note-for-note, the whole thing including the almost four minutes of guitar solo. Watching him sit on the couch playing along was about as exciting as being at a show. Anyways, a short time later we went to that Toronto show together, his first show, and we were both pretty ecstatic to hear that YEM.
  13. I just heard Bullard on The Debaters on CBC. He was frankly embarrassing, wholly unprepared and with little understanding of the concept of the show. He always thought of himself as a good improvisor. As an ex-cop it makes sense that he has little self-awareness and has a pretty high opinion of his abilities.
  14. Looks like you can hear the whole show here: http://www.cbc.ca/radio2/cod/concerts/20090610young
  15. Congratulations bradm on being an official big-time taper-dude.
  16. I had no idea. I really should probably go to this, right? Damn, maybe I should skip it...aaargh
  17. http://www.bluesfestinthebyward.ca/ticketinfo.html
  18. I hate the idea of renting a car to park it all weekend but it might be the only way. I may want to tentatively share a rental, in a noncommital sort of way.
  19. Kinda reminds me of when Stanley Jordan played a second guitar with his feet for Stairway To Heaven.
  20. Link seems busted. Can you post the pic?
  21. Does the Hippy Hippy Shake refer to a way of dancing, a way of shaking hands, or something else altogether?
  22. Sounds like a dream come true.
  23. The first half of the show will be broadcast on Radio 2 tonight at 7pm. If anyone can record it for me that would be great. http://www.cbc.ca/radio2/programs/canada_live/2009/06/29/neil_young.html
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