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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. I just watched that link to the video footage. That was actually pretty cool.
  2. Sorry for describing him as a guy playing records. I didn't mean it disrespectfully, and I actually do think a good DJ has talent. (I should have really said it wasn't my thing.) Have fun tonight, though, and keep up the good work Jaydawg.
  3. Oh! Okay, I saw that headline today, and I meant to read the article. Okay, now I'm amused.
  4. One of my favourite's too. Hawks and Doves is a masterpiece.
  5. So, JSB won't be on until midnight; correct? (I'm confirming this, because that would certainly be a deal-breaker for me. I don't really want to listen to a DJ play albums, and given that I don't drink alcohol, this means hanging around somewhere other than the show until 11:45, waiting for Friday night to start.)
  6. Neil spells "behaviour" the American way; in a song that mentions an Ontario prison? Oh, Neil; you disappoint me.
  7. Maybe you can negotiate with BradM, and buy some licensing rights to the name Noimbrian and Sosmywife
  8. Same album as my song! And I think it qualifies as obscure. On the Beach only came out on CD two years ago, and before that I had a helluva time finding a cassette. (Of course, once I did, I enjoyed it for a while and then gave it away to a young lady; stupidly and mistakenly thinking I could find another copy. Eventually, it came out on disc 9 years later!)
  9. It's one of those songs with lyrics that could have been written any time in the last 50 years, and be equally topical. (30 years for sure.) I'd love it if you could score that for me Brad. You spoil me.
  10. I must admit that I tuned in and out of the show over the few hours. I must have missed the bluegrass. I agree with you about the song writing. Good stuff. I'm also glad to hear they are relatively new, because that was essentially my opinion ... Good tunes, good players, need to tighten it up a bit (which only comes by playing together). I really dug your show, too. You've got a great radio voice. If, however, I can offer very small constructive criticism, the only comment I have is that you should try to avoid too many "Ahs" and "Ums" between words. You don't do it too much, but enough that it's worth paying attention to. Please take the criticism in the vein it was intended, which is only to be helpful. I think you are a good DJ, and have real potential in that business. I'm probably also a bit more hyper-sensitive to the "Ums" than some others, as I have to battle that same problem myself when speaking in Court. I bookmarked CHLY on my computer. I plan to tune in regularly. I might even become a member, soon, if I really do start to become a regular user.
  11. How can I reach your nephew? Does he have a cell phone? (I believe in making friends in high places.)
  12. "Vampire Blues" from On the Beach. Hands down; my favourite Neil ever.
  13. 97th Airborne has some good songs. Neat, jazzy, ska-esque. It's cool. At times, though, they sound like the could be a little "tighter", but that might also be because they're playing in a radio studio, and I'm listening over crappy computer speakers. Cool band. I'd see them.
  14. Aaaah! (I assume you'll read this after the show.) You just said the reason we weren't hearing the live music is that the bands were running late. That must have been a bit stressful as a DJ, I would think. You sounded good though, and a Mountain Jam while we wait seems like a pretty good compromise.
  15. So, what band is this? You have our attention. Now wouldn't be a bad time to tell us who this band is, or even better, link to a myspace page or band website with .mp3s, or something.
  16. Well, I'm checking this out online. I never liked My Morning Jacket before, but the song I just heard you play was really jazzy and cool. And now Zappa. I may just keep listening for a while here...
  17. I always wondered who actually still purchased that. I guess not too many people.
  18. I'm pretty sure I have a shot of Dave practicing playing on my couch in Vancouver from a few years back. I don't know the res, but I can check when I get home. Would that be of interest? It's not exactly a stage-shot, but it does have a guitar.
  19. bump... Here's the link, right here, for some easy clickin'...
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