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Everything posted by Ms.Huxtable

  1. Ms.Huxtable


    Todd, I know you;ve been home for a while, but reading the end of your saga actually made it more real than seeing you from afar at Neil Young! Thanks again.
  2. Don't say "Your mama". Don't say "Your mama".
  3. This is the kind of post that makes reading the mundane crap posted on this site day in and day out worth it. Couldn't be happier for you Jeff. Way to go.
  4. Ms.Huxtable


    I was saying to bouche only a couple days ago how sad I was that I didn't get to read about the rest of your journey. I am thrilled that the alpha-smart pulled through and we get to share this experience with you.
  5. Oh yeah, you have to check out the comment section.
  6. Description: Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic. Semen is inexpensive to produce and is commonly available in many, if not most, homes and restaurants. Despite all of these positive qualities, semen remains neglected as a food. This book hopes to change that. Once you overcome any initial hesitation, you will be surprised to learn how wonderful semen is in the kitchen. Semen is an exciting ingredient that can give every dish you make an interesting twist. If you are a passionate cook and are not afraid to experiment with new ingredients - you will love this cook book!
  7. Absolutely right Hux, how the hell do they pull off "You Make Lovin' Fun?"
  8. Happy birthday Brad. Sounds like you had a great year, hope next year's even better!
  9. 2 shows at an Ottawa stadium out in the sticks on weeknights? What the F are they thinking?
  10. bouche and I were stuck in that awful traffic this morning due to the bridge closure. After sitting in front of a Coffee Time for 20 minutes bouche said "I bet I could run in there and grab us some coffees and you'd still be right here". We debated for a few more minutes and then he ducked out and grabbed coffees. By the end of the cup we were STILL right by the Coffee Time. We turned around and came home. What took and hour to get to, took a minute and a half to come home from. PLEASE fix the bridge soon!
  11. I have absolutely no complaints about last night. Traffic was a breeze getting there and I swear it took us less than 15 minutes to get home. The audience didn't piss me off the way Scotia Bank Place audiences usually do. WILCO FACKING ROCKED!! My highlight was Via Chicago. Neil just totally brought it. I was so impressed with the amount of energy and enthousiasm he still has. It wasn't just a job for him last night, he really enjoyed himself. I loved it, encore most definitely included.
  12. I had no idea Jeremy could move his hips like that! Merry Christmas indeed.
  13. I think AD and I both had rot gut this afternoon.
  14. Ahhhhh ain't that sweet. Can you guys sing the elephant in the bathtub song??? Pretty please?
  15. I'm going to the works for lunch. I have no idea what burger to get!
  16. For me, the 30's are the best decade so far and it looks ike you've got everything aligned so that they will be yours to. I am crazy about you man. Don't let turning into an old fart change you one bit.
  17. Love ya to pieces Sloth. Celebrate in style.
  18. The story conitnues..... Axl Rose Demands Dr. Pepper Payment.
  19. Oh wow, I didn't realize that the chef was the same guy as the place Mike and I got engaged! No wonder I enjoyed the food so much. Poor bouchey missed out. We'll have to go back together.
  20. Happy birthday Meggo. I hope you enjoy your week and are spoiled rotten.
  21. The Hoagie House in Kingston's special sauce is.......... Ketchup.
  22. Last night I was on an executive retreat in Wakefield. We stayed at the Wakefield Mill and MMMMMMMMmmmmmm was the food ever good. The menu was seasonal, the food was plated beautifully and best of all the flavours and combinations were exciting to me. Here's the Menu. You don't have to be a guest of te hotel to eat there.
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